County Agencies
Housing Coordinator
(Appointed by the Board of County
Annette Van Hilst
Director of Tourism
Betty Bupp .......
Extension Agents
Richard C. Shukraft, Chairperson .....
Noil-is E. Diefenderfer .............
Merritt N. Pope, Jr. ..............
Mary Ellen Waltemire .............
Kenneth Shifflet, Extension Agent in
Agricultural Science...............
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Louis G. P. Debaugh, Chairperson . . . . .1979
George Stiles . . . 1980
William Allenberg 1981
Donald Lynn Spickler 1982
Joseph K. Scott (County appointee) . . .
Merritt N. Pope, Jr., Extension Agent . .
County Seat: Salisbury 21801
Origin: Created from Somerset and Worcester
counties in 1867 as provided by Article XIII,
Sections 2-6, of the Constitution of 1867.
Name: Named after the Wicomico River from the
Indian words for house (wicko) and building
(mekee), apparently referring to an Indian town
on the banks of the river.
Form of Government: Charter (1964)
Population, 1970:
Wicomico County ..... 54,236
Dist. 1, Barren Creek ............. 1,459
Dist. 2, Quantico ..... 964
Dist. 3, Tyaskin ..... 1,195
Dist. 4, Pittsburg ................ 1,823 |
Wicomico County/515
Dist. 5, Parsons ..... 12,543
Dist. 6, Dennis . . . . . , 721
Dist. 7, Trappe ....... 1,188
Dist. 8, Nutters , , 2,239
Dist. 9, Salisbury ................. 9,960
Dist. 10, Sharptown 1,197
Dist. 11, Delmar ................ .2,192
Dist. 12, Nanticoke . . - 1,103
Dist. 13, Camden 11,143
Dist. 14, Willards 1,084
Dist. 15, Hebron 1,558
Dist. 16, Fruitland ................ 3,867
Estimated Population, 1979:62,200
Area: 395 sq. miles
Circuit Court
P.O. Box 198
Salisbury 21801 Telephone: 749-1461
District Court
P.O. Box 629
Salisbury 21801 Telephone: 546-1273
Court Terms:
Circuit Court-Grand Jury and Petit Jury, second
Monday in February and September.
Orphans' Court Days-Tuesdays
Circuit Court Resident Judges
Richard M. Pollitt ................ 1989
Alfred T. Truitt, Jr...... 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
A. James Smith .................. 1982
District Court Judge
William D. Simpson 1983
Thomas H. White, Administrative Clerk .
William R. Wilson, Jr„ Clerk ........
Orphans' Court Judges
Albert L. Jones, Chief Judge ......... 1982
Severn H. Cooper ................ 1982
June Dukes .................... 1982
Register of Wills
A. L. Lambertson ................ 1982
William E. Shockley ............. 1982 |