Personnel Advisory Board
Albert J. McGann ............... .1982
Dennis W. Meadowcraft ........... .1982
Stephen J. Valis .................. 1982
J. Thomas Barranger, County Executive .
Robert E. Greene, Personnel Administrator
Educational Foundation
William S. James, Chairperson .......
Board of Ethics
Not yet appointed .... . . ...
Extension Agents
Kerry Buckel .............. ....
J. William dark .................
Linda Collier ...................
Julia Anne Lockard ..............
R. A. Traband ............. ....
Lynn T. Warman ................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Worley N. Umbarger, Chairperson .... .1982
Samuel B. Foard, Jr., Treasurer ...... .1979
Henry S. Holloway ............... .1980
H. Carl Stephen ................. 1981
Vacancy (County appointee).........
Lynn T, Warman, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) .............
County Seat: Ellicott City 21043
Origin: Howard District was created from Anne
Arundel County by Chapter 22, Acts of 1838,
which was confirmed by Chapter 50, Acts of
1839, and it enjoyed the status of a county al-
though it was not represented in the General
Assembly. The County itself was created in
1851 by Article VIII, sec. 1, of the Constitution
adopted that year.
Name: Named for John Eager Howard (1752-
1827), Revolutionary War officer, Maryland
Governor, and statesman.
Form of Government: Charter (1968)
Population, 1970: |
Howard County .................. 62,394
Dist. 1, Elkridge ................ .9,613
Dist. 2, Ellicott City ............. 17,928
Dist. 3, West Friendship ............ 3,667
Dist. 4, Lisbon ................. .4,250
Dist. 5, Clarksville ............... 13,536
Dist. 6, Savage ................. 13,400
Estimated Population, 1979:125,200
Area: 251 sq. miles
8360 Court Ave.
Ellicott City 21043 Telephone: 992-2111
(Circuit Court)
Telephone: 992-2121
(District Court)
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, third
Monday in March, June, September, and De-
Orphans' Court Days—Tuesdays
Circuit Court Resident Judges
James Maegill, Chic/Judge .......... 1987
Guy J. Cicone ................... 1993
Robert F. Fischer ................ 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
C. Merritt Pumphrey .............. 1982
District Court Judges
J. Thomas Nissel, Administrative Judge . . 1981
Raymond J. Kane, Jr. ............. 1987
Martha Bush, Administrative Clerk ..... |