486/Maryland Manual
Marvin Kolb, Junior Supervisor ......
John Reckner, District Conservationist . .
Shaun Sanders, District Manager ......
County Seat: Bel Air 21014
Origin: Erected from Baltimore County by
Chapter 6, Acts of 1773.
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Name: Named for Henry Harford, last Propri-
etary of Maryland. He was a son of Frederick
Calvert, Sixth Lord Baltimore, but because of
his illegitimate birth did not inherit the title.
Form of Government: Charter (1972)
Population, 1970:
Harford County., .,....,,, 115,378
Dist. 1, Abingdon ............... 27,977
Dist. 2, Halls Cross Roads ......... 29,450
Dist. 3, Bel Air ...... 30,803
Dist. 4, Marshall . 8,380
Dist. 5, Dublin .................. 8,977
Dist. 6, Havre de Grace 9,791
Estimated Population, 1979:151,800
Area: 475 sq. miles
Circuit Court
Main Street
Bel Air 21014 Telephone: 838-6000
District Court
220 S. Main St.
Bel Air 21014 Telephone: 838-2300
Court Terms:
Circuit Court—Grand Jury and Petit Jury, sec-
ond Monday in January, April, and September. |
Orphans' Court—abolished; probate matters now
under jurisdiction of Circuit Court.
Circuit Court Resident Judges
Albert P. Close . . . . . 1983
Edward D. Higinbothom ........... 1991
Brodnax Cameron, Jr. ............. 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
H. Douglas Chilcoat .............. 1982
District Court Judges
Charles J. Kelly, Administrative Judge . . 1981
Harry St. A. O'Neill .............. 1981
Edwin H. W. Harlan, Jr. ........... 1988
Edward Utz, Administrative Clerk .....
Register of Wills
Janet G. Marshall ................ 1982
William J. Kunkel ................ 1982
State's Attorney
Peter C. Cobb ...... 1982
Special Master in Equity
(Appointed by the Judges of the Circuit
Court for Harford County as per Chapter
101, Acts of 1971)
Lynn D. Tanner, Jr................ 1982
Public Defender
(Appointed by the Judges of the Circuit
Court for Harford County as per Chapter
623, Acts of 1966)
Henry C. Engel, Jr.....
County Executive
45 South Main St.
Bel Air 21014 Telephone: 838-6000
County Council
45 South Main St.
Bel Air 21014 Telephone: 838-6000
Meeting Days: Tuesdays, 7:30 P.M.
County Executive
J. Thomas Barranger .............. 1982
County Council
John W. Hardwicke, President ........ 1982 |