484/Maryland Manual
Garrett County 21,476
Dist 1, Swanton 1,079
Dist 2, Fnendsville and Selbysport 1,704
Dist 3, Grantsville 2,517
Dist 4, Bloomington 895
Dist 5, Accident 1,071
Dist 6, Sang Run 974
Dist 7, East Oakland 1,813
Dist 8, Ryans Glade 1,565
Dist 9, Johnsons 890
Dist 10, Deer Park 1,130
Dist 11, The Elbow 155
Dist 12, Bittinger 595
Dist 13,Kit2millersville 911
Dist 14, West Oakland 3,443
Dist 15, Avilton 432
Dist 16, Mountain Lake Park 2,302
Estimated Population, 1979 26,400
Area 668 sq miles
Circuit Court
Oakland l\ 550 Telephone 334-2543
Distnct Court
471 North 3rd St
Oakland 21550 Telephone 334-8164
Court Terms
Circuit Court—Grand Jury, second Monday in
March and September, Petit Jury, fourth Mon-
day in March and September
Orphans* Court Days—Tuesdays 1000 AM to
12 00 noon
Circuit Court Resident Judge
Fredenck A Thayer III 1993
Circuit Court Clerk
Clifford C DeWitt 1982
District Court Judge
Lewis R Jones, Administrative Judge 1981
James S Stafford, Administrative Clerk
Geraldine Knox, Clerk
Orphans' Court Judges
Harry P Collier, Chic/Judge 1982
WilmerW Margraff 1982
William H Welch 1982
Register of Wills
Joseph F DiSimone 1982 |
John Evans, Jr 1982
State's Attorney
James L Sherbin 1979
District Public Defender
Paul J Stakern
Board of County Commissioners
P 0 Box 72
Oakland 21550 Telephone 334-3917
Meeting Days Mondays, 900AM -4 30 PM
Board of County Commissioners
Truman R Paugh, Distnct 1, President 1982
H Lester Hunter, Distnct 2 1982
Ernest J Gregg, Distnct 3 1982
W Marshall Rickert, Administrator and
Jack R Turney, Attorney
Arzella Mae Parsons 1979
Supervisor of Assessments
Jerome K Moyer
Property Tax Assessment Appeal Board
Jonas E McKenzie, Chairperson 1979
Fannie Sullivan 1982
Roy A Gearhardt 1983
Bernard M Guy, alternate 1983
Board of Supervisors of Elections
William R Bever 1981
George M Browning 1981
Roscoe H Swiger 1981
George R Shawley, substitute 1981
Ernest Spoerlein, substitute 1981
Director of Civil Defense
George F Comp, Jr
Deputy Medical Examiner
James H Feaster, Jr , M D
Health Officer
William W Pope, M D
Garrett County Memorial Hospital, Board of
(Consists of the Board of County Commissioners
and eight other members as per Chapter 25,
Acts of 1950, and Chapter 165, Acts of 1953 )
lrvin Feld, Chairperson
Kenneth Richmond, Administrator |