Youth Commission
Cay Outright, President ..,,.....,...1980
Charles T. Dean, Sr. County Commissioner
Gail Butler .....................1980
CeCe McCullen ..................1980
Christy Pierce ...................1980
Bruce Simmons .................. 1980
Two vacancies...................
Merrill Morgan, Executive Director ....
County Planner
Alan Visintainer .................
Planning and Zoning Commission
Eugene D. Racz, Chairperson .........1983
Charles T. Dean, Sr„ County
Charles H. Ireland ............... .1980
Phillip E. Reed ...................1981
Dale Reagan ....................1982
Thomas Shipley ..................1982
Namon Palmer ...................1983
Board of Zoning Appeals
Gerard T. Warwick, Jr., Chairperson . . . .1979
Robert L. Serviss, Sr. ............. .1980
Harry H. Rieck, Jr. .............. .1981
W. A. Stewart Wright, Jr., alternate . . . .1981
Carl Thornton, Zoning Administrator . . .
Economic Development Commission
Roland Kent, Chairperson .......... .1983
lrving Ober ... ....1979
Dr. Hilliard E. Gardner .............1980
Fred Schmick ....................1980
Ruth Chambers ..................1981
Lee McMahan ...................1981
James Luff......................1982
County Roads Board
Board of County Commissioners ......
County Roads Superintendent
Joseph C. Tinley.................
Board of License Commissioners
Howard M. Mezick, Chairperson ...... .1980
James A. Luff .................. .1981
Ralph W. Eirick ................. .1982
Robert Gray, alternate .............1981
0. P. Bunting, Secretary ...........
Plumbing Board
Thomas L. Jarvis, Chairperson ........1981
Thomas C. Eveland, County
J. Arthur Hassett ................ .1981
Ross Simon .....................1981
James M. Lednum, Inspector ........ |
Cooperative Extension Service
James A. Perkins, Extension Agent-
Agriculture and Community Resource
Loyal C. Reger, Extension Agent -4-H
and Youth .....................
Robert J. Rouse, Extension Agent-
Agricultural Science ...............
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
William Greenage, Chairperson ....... 1980
Charles W. Hammer .............. 1979
M. Laverne Bullock ............... 1981
Gary Schoonover................. 1982
D. Wheatley Neal, (County appointee) . .
F. Elmer Robinson ............... 1983
James E. Hannawald, District
Conservationist ..................
Robert J. Rouse, Extension Agent,
Secretary (non-voting) ..............
County Seat: Westminster 21157
Origin: Erected from Baltimore and Frederick
Counties by Chapter 256, Acts of 1835, con-
firmed by Chapter 19, Acts of 1836, which was
passed on January 19, 1837.
Name: Named for Charles Carroll of Carrollton
(1737—1832), distinguished Revolutionary
statesman and Maryland signer of the Declara-
tion of Independence.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
Population, 1970:
Can-oil County ................... 69,006
Dist. 1, Taneytown .............. .4,142
Dist. 2, Uniontown ............... 2,672
Dist. 3, Myers .................. .2,651
Dist. 4, Woolerys ................6,532
Dist. 5, Freedom ................ 11,475 |