Janet E. Amick, R. Charles Avara, Charles E.
Dennis, Jr., Harry W, Geiglein, Edward J.
McNeal, Thomas S. Smith, Edwin R. Tully,
Verda F. Welcome, Walter M. Wilson, Ralph
G. Murdy.
P. 0. Box 5646
Baltimore 21210 Telephone: 323-3100
The Governor appointed this Commission in
1972 at the request of the General Assembly
to study the operation of security guards and
special police and the relationship between gov-
ernment and private industry in this field. The
Commission consists of members of the Gener-
al Assembly and persons involved in the train-
ing of police officers (Res. No. 37, Acts of
Chairperson: Nolan H. Rogers
Dr. R. Kenneth Bames, Ernest S. Cookerly, J.
Joseph Curran, William E. Hardy, Mary E.
Kurz, Joseph E. Owens, Thomas J. Peddicord,
Jr., Harry E. Taylor, Dr. Edward A.
Tomlinson, James T. Wharton.
Research Assistants: Paul G. Jemas, Edward
D. Kelleher, Douglas D. Marshall, John R.
Offices of the Attorney General
State Highway Administration
300 West Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4350
The Governor reorganized the Commission to
Study Sovereign Immunity in July of 1975 in
response to legislative initiatives seeking
revisions in the common law doctrine of sover-
eign immunity. In an effort to provide the Gen-
eral Assembly with functional reference materi-
al, the Governor directed the Commission to
explore the entire concept of sovereign immuni-
ty with particular emphasis on the practical and
fiscal implications of a sovereign immunity ab-
rogation in contract and tort. Pursuant to the
Governor's charge, the Commission undertook
an extensive survey to review the experience of
other states that had modified the doctrine of
sovereign immunity and to evaluate the impact
anticipated by various sectors of the Maryland
governmental communities in the event the doc-
trine was abrogated. A report was submitted to
the Governor and General Assembly in Novem-
ber 1976. |
Chairperson: Julian 1. Jacobs
Kaye T. Brooks, Donald D. Casson, Harry A.
Cole, Gerard F. Deviin, Marvin J. Garbis, Ar-
thur H. Helton, Jr„ Larry S. Kamanitz, Sey-
mour Korn, Gerald L. Langbaum, Roger D.
Redden, Robert A. Rombro, Randall C.
Schmidt, Alex J. Soled, George H. Spriggs.
c/o Julian 1. Jacobs, Chairperson
1200 Garrett Building
233 East Redwood Street
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 752-4567
The Acting Governor appointed this Commis-
sion in 1978 at the request of the General Assem-
bly (Res. No. 30, Acts of 1978). The Commission
is charged with the duty of determining whether
the Maryland Tax Court should be made a con-
stitutional court and to consider matters related
The Commission includes two members of the
Maryland State Bar Association, a member from
the Attorney General's Office, a member from
the Maryland Tax Court, a member from the
House of Delegates nominated by the Speaker, a
member from the Senate nominated by the Presi-
dent, a member from the Maryland Association
of Certified Public Accountants, two members
nominated by the Chief Judge of the Court of
Appeals, and four members from the public at
The Commission is required to issue a report of
the findings of its study, together with any
suggested legislation, by February 1, 1979.
Chairperson: William L. Clark
Members: Rev. Donald E. Bauer, Leon J. Bechet,
Shoshana Cardin, Robert Cheeks, Sheldon S.
Cohen, William E. Coyle, John G. Geist,
Josephine L. Hill, Quentin Lawson, Carole
Ehriich Owens, Dorothy Richardson, George
0. Weber, Alice Williams.
Ex officio members: Charles R. Buck, Jr., Rich-
ard Dunne, Tucky P. Heller, Kalman R.
Hettleman, Thomas W. Schmidt, Matthew L.
Staff Contact: Sharon L. Nathanson |