Chairman: Ann R. Hull
Appointed by the Governor: Henry G. Bosz.
Appointed by the President of the Senate:
Charles W. Gilchrist, Julian L. Lapides,
Edward J. Mason, Melvin A. Steinberg.
Appointed by the Speaker of the House of
Delegates: Troy Brailey, R. Clayton
Mitchell, Robert R. Neall.
Ex officio member: Harvey A. Epstein,
Commissioner of Labor and Industry.
Appointed members: A. Samuel Cook, Rob-
ert Y. Dubel, Edward J. Gutman, Gilbert
Hinks, Edward T. Kreiner, Earle K.
Shawe, Charles H. Wheatley, Sam
Eugene M. Thomas, Secretary
Department of Fiscal Services,
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2811
This Task Force was created by the Gen-
eral Assembly in 1976 to consider whether
collective bargaining rights should -be ex-
tended to additional public employees and
to consider possible legislation. The Task
Force consists of the Commissioner of La-
bor and Industry, ex officio, four members
of the Senate appointed by the President,
four members of the House of Delegates
appointed by the Speaker, six members from
the general public appointed jointly by the
President and the Speaker to be representa-
tive of labor, management, and the public,
and one member designated by the Gover-
nor. The President and the Speaker jointly
designate the Chairman. The Task Force
is to report to the 1977 Session of the Gen-
eral Assembly (Res. No. 68, Acts of 1976).
Chairman: Steny H. Hoyer
Vice Chairman: John Hanson Briscoe
Members of the State Senate: Jerome F.
Connell, Sr„ Edward T. Conroy, John C.
Coolahan, John P. Corderman, J. Joseph
Curran, Jr., Edward J. Mason, Clarence
M. Mitchell III.
Members of the House of Delegates: Elmer
F. Hagner, Jr., William S. Home, Jerry |
H. Hyatt, Pauline H. Menes, Arthur G.
Murphy, Sr., Joseph E. Owens, Joseph F.
Vallario, Jr.
Non-Legislative members: Francis B. Burch,
Attorney General of Maryland; Benjamin
R. Civiletti, Maryland State Bar Associa-
tion; Warren B. Duckett, Jr., President,
State's Attorneys' Association; Charles H.
Hickey, Jr., President, Maryland State
Sheriffs Association; Robert C. Hilson,
Director, Juvenile Services Administra-
tion; H. Edgar Lentz, Maryland Chiefs of
Police Association; Mark A. Levine,
Commissioner of Correction; Robert C
Murphy, Chief Judge of the Court of
Appeals; Alan H. Murrell, The Public
Defender; John M. Pettibone, Director,
Division of Parole and Probation; Cap-
tain Paul H. Rappaport, Maryland State
Police; Ri»hard C. Wertz, Governor's
Commission on Law Enforcement and
Administration of Justice; Alan M. Wil-
ner, Governor's office.
Bruce C. Bereano, Staff Counsel
State House,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3245
This special on-going joint executive-
legislative-judicial task force was created in
1976 at the request of the General Assem-
bly. It consists of the President of the Sen-
ate, the Chairman of the Senate Judicial
Proceedings Committee, and five other Sen-
ators appointed by the President; the
Speaker of the House of Delegates, the
Chairman of the House Judiciary Commit-
tee, and five other Delegates appointed by
the Speaker; the Governor or his designee;
the Attorney General of Maryland or his
designee; the Chief Judge of the Court of
Appeals or his designee; the Chief Judge of
the Court of Special Appeals or his desig-
nee; the Chief Judge of the District Court
or his designee; and members of the general
The Task Force is to undertake an on-
going comprehensive review and analysis of
crime in Maryland and the effectiveness of
the criminal justice system to deal with it
(SJR No. 27,1976). |