Maryland. It conducts a continuing State-
wide historic landmark survey to locate and
identify those sites and buildings which are
of significance to the black experience in
Maryland. Its investigations have uncovered
a vast reservoir of artifacts, documents, pho-
tography and other materials which the
Commission works to preserve and become
a part of a permanent archive repository,
where such materials will pass into the pub-
lic domain so that future generations of
scholars and students can be exposed to the
rich heritage of Afro - American life in
The Commission also consists of an Ad-
visory Committee consisting of twenty-one
members (Code 1957, 1971 Repl. Vol.,
1976 Supp., Art. 41, sec. 409).
(Members and Staff not yet appointed.)
Originally a part of the Commission on
Afro-American and Indian History and Cul-
ture, created by Chapter 386, Acts of 1974,
the Commission became an agency of the
Department of Economic and Community
Development on July 1, 1976 by Chapter
148, Acts of 1976. The Commission con-
sists of nine members appointed by the
Governor, a majority of whom must be
members of the native American Indian
communities of Maryland. Members of the
Commission must have knowledge of Indian
culture and history and be sensitive to the
problems of the Indian communities. The
Commission is charged with undertaking a
comprehensive study of indigenous Ameri-
can Indian tribes including but not limited
to the Crees, Creeks, Cherokees, Chippewas,
Choptanks, Delawares, Haliwas, Lumbees,
Naticokes, Piscataways, Potomacs, Rappa-
hannocks, Seminoles, Susquehannas, and
Wicomicos, and their influence upon Mary-
land History and Culture. Among other
things, the Commission will study the eco-
nomic and social needs of Indians in Mary-
land and make recommendations for the
alleviation of such needs. Information de-
veloped by the Commission that relates to
Indian culture and history is to be dissemi-
nated to the public (Code 1957, 1971 Repl.
Vol., 1976 Supp., Art. 41, sec. 409-1). |
Chairman: Louise Gore
C. E. Hutchin, Jr., Executive Director
2525 Riva Road,
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 267-5046
The Maryland Bicentennial Commission,
created by Chapter 458, Acts of Maryland
of 1968, consists of twenty-one members
appointed by the Governor to develop and
coordinate plans of public and private agen-
cies for the Bicentennial commemoration of
the American Revolution. Members of the
Commission are appointed for terms of five
years each. They may be reappointed, and
they elect their own Chairman.
The Bicentennial Commission seeks to
give emphasis to substantive projects of a
long lasting value, and to commemorating
events preceding and during the American
Revolution Era. It acts as a catalyst and
coordinating clearing-house for assisting
State agencies, counties, municipalities, col-
leges and schools. It provides sponsorship
within funds available for commemorative
projects in the three prime thematic areas:
Heritage, Festivals and Horizons. It provides
official endorsement or recognition for key
Bicentennial projects of Bicentennial com-
munities and campuses; and for civic, fra-
ternal, patriotic, religious, educational and
youth organizations.
It also helps publish a Newsletter, a Bi-
centennial Trail Map, books, films and
magazine articles. It participates in exhibits
and ceremonies, and it reinforces State
"livability" objectives as the Bicentennial
includes Marylanders of every ethnic origin
and age.
Chairman: Robert E. Hogaboom, 1981
Vice Chairman: T. Sutton Jett, 1980
Treasurer: Charles E. Fenwick, 1981
Morris L. Radoff, 1977; Roy N. Staten,
1978; John T. Daugherty, 1979; J. Ren-
wick Jackson, Jr., 1980.
Mary Combs Barber, Director |