90 State Circle, P.O. Box 348,
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-3561
The State Department of Legislative Ref-
erence was originally created by Chapter
565, Acts of 1906 to serve the City of Bal-
timore. The scope of the Department was
enlarged so that it would also serve the
State by Chapter 474, Acts of 1916. By
Chapter 453, Acts of 1965, the State's por-
tion of the Department was transferred to
the Legislative Branch The present Depart-
ment dates its current organization from
Chapter 571, Acts of 1966, which separated
this Department of the State government
from the Department of the same name in
Baltimore City.
The Department collects, compiles, and
indexes information on all questions of
proposed legislation. It investigates and re-
ports on the laws of Maryland and other
states at the request of the Governor, any
committee or member of the General As-
sembly, or any State agency. At the request
of a member of the General Assembly, the
Department prepares or aids in the drafting
of any law or resolution. Each department
of the State government must transmit to the
Department of Legislative Reference at least
two copies of each of its reports, which are
used for exchange and reference purposes.
The Department keeps a complete index and
a complete file on all bills introduced in the
General Assembly from 1918 to the present.
It also keeps copies of the codes and laws
of other states, and it maintains a library of
books, pamphlets, reports, periodicals, and
clippings on matters of current public and
political interest (Code 1957, 1971 Repl.
Vol., Art. 40, sees. 48-53). The Department
operates through five divisions entitled Ad-
ministrative, Code Revision, Computer, Leg-
islative and Library.
By Chapter 182, Acts of 1972, the Divi-
sion of Statutory Revision was created with- |
in the Department of Legislative Reference.
The Division is headed and administered by
a Revisor of Statutes, appointed jointly by
the President of the Senate and Speaker of
the House of Delegates (Code 1957, 1971
Repl. Vol., 1975 Supp., Art. 40, sees. 53A-
Staff: 70.
Chairman: William S. James
Vice Chairmen: Steny H. Hoyer and
John Hanson Briscoe
William H. Adkins 11, Bruce C. Bereano,
Walter E Black, Jr.. Lowell R. Bowen,
Francis B. Burch, K. King Burnett. David
L. Cahoon, Ward B. Coe, Jr., James J.
Cromwell, P McEvoy Cromwell. William
P. Cunningham, Philip H. Dorsey, Jr.,
John B. Howard, H. Thomas Howell,
George W. Liebrnann, Henry R Lord,
J. Michael MeWilliams, L. Vernon Miller,
Franklin Olmsted, Jerrold V. Powers,
Walter A. Rafalko, Roger D. Redden,
Zeiig Robinson, Emily M Rody, John
Paul Rogers, Paul M. Sandier, Wilbur E.
Simmons, Jr., Alice A. Soled, Shale D.
Stiller, Melvin J. Sykes, Robert J Thie-
blot, William C. Trimble, Jr., Alan M.
Wilner, Thomas G. Young III.
Avery Aisenstark. Director and
Revisor of Statutes
Jack L. Kenner, Assistant Director
90 State Circle, P.O. Box 348,
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2377
The Governor appointed this special
Commission in 1970 to undertake the first
reorganization and recodification of the An-
notated Code of Maryland in more than
eighty years. The Commission is to study
and undertake a formal bulk revision of the
Public General Laws of Maryland, in order
to improve the organization, accessibility,
utility and clarity of laws, and to eliminate
unconstitutional, obsolete and inconsistent or
conflicting statutes. The Commission will
submit proposals and recommendations to |