442 MARYLAND MANUAL [Art. 3, Sec. 3]
SEC. 3. Vacant."
' SEC. 4. The General Assembly shall have the power to
provide by law, from time to time, for altering and chang-
ing the boundaries of the existing Legislative Districts of
the City of Baltimore, so as to make them as near as may
be of equal population; but said district shall always con-
sist of contiguous territory.
" SEC. 5. The membership of the House of Delegates shall
consist of one hundred and twenty-three (123) Delegates,
apportioned as follows: Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard,
Kent, Queen Anne's, and St. Mary's Counties, two Delegates
each; Cecil, Garrett, Somerset, Talbot, and Worcester Coun-
ties, three Delegates each; Carroll, Dorchester, Harford
and Wicomico Counties, four Delegates each; Allegany,
Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince
George's, and Washington Counties, and each of the six
legislative districts of Baltimore City, six Delegates each.
SEC. 6. The members of the House of Delegates shall be
elected by the qualified voters of the Counties, and the Leg-
islative Districts of Baltimore city, respectively, to serve
for four years, from the day of their election. (4)
SEC. 7. The election for Senators and Delegates shall
take place on the Tuesday next, after the first Monday in.
the month of November, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight,
and in every fourth year thereafter. (5)
SEC. 8. Vacant."
SEC. 9. No person shall " eligible as a Senator or Dele-
gate, who at the time of his election, is not a citizen of the
State of Maryland, and who has not resided therein, for at
least three years, next preceding the day of his election, and
the last year thereof, in the County, or in the Legislative
District of Baltimore city, which he may be chosen to rep-
resent, if such County, or Legislative District of said City
shall have been so long established; and if not, then in the
County or City, from which., in whole or in part, the same
may have been formed; nor shall any person be eligible as
i Repealed by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, adopted by the voters November 6, 1956.
2 Thus amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, adopted by the« voters November 6,
"Thus amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, adopted by the voters November
6, 1956.
"Thus amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, adopted by the voters November
6, 1956.
5 Thus amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, adopted by the voters November
6, 1956.
* Repealed by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, adopted by the voters November 6, 1956.
7 The word "be" evidently omitted.