County Hunters' Association. Married. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1959.
born in Tilghman, September 13, 1903. Attended Talbot County public
schools; Sadlers-Bryant-Stratton Business College. Seafood dealer,
hotel and fishing fleet operator. Past president, Chesapeake Bay
Fishing Fair Association. Member, Elks; Lions; Miles River Yacht
Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1955. Chair-
man, Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries Committee, 1959 Session.
THOMAS H. HEDRICK, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in Logans-
port, Indiana, December 1, 1909. Attended public schools of Logans-
port and Faribault, Minnesota; University of Minnesota; University
of Maryland Law School, LL.B., 1940. Member of the Maryland Bar.
On active duty with the U. S. Coast Guard, 1942-46. Commander,
Organized Reserves, U. S. Coast Guard. Member, American, Maryland,
and Baltimore Bar Associations; American Legion, V.F.W. Unmarried.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1955.
WALTER DALE HESS, Democrat, Harford County; born in Falls-
ton, August 17, 1930. Attended Harford County public schools. Farmer.
President, Harford County Young Democrat Club. Former national
vice president, Future Farmers of America. Member, New Marsh
Wholesale Produce Market Authority, Baltimore City; Farm Bureau;
Grange; Elks; Lions; Moose; National Rifle Association; Bush River
Boat Club. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since 1955.
RUSSELL 0. HICKMAN, Democrat, Worcester County; born in
Showell, February 5, 1908. Attended Worcester County public schools.
Small loan business. Member, Berlin Chamber of Commerce; Berlin
Lions Club; Sinepuxent Rod and Gun Club. Married, Member of the
House of Delegates since 1955.
WILLIAM L. HODGES, Democrat, Baltimore 6th; born in Baltimore,
December 8, 1907. Attended Baltimore parochial schools; Baltimore
City College. Restaurant owner. Served in the U. S. Navy, 1944-45.
Member, V.F.W. Married. Member of the House of Delegates since
FRANCES HOLUB, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in Baltimore,
December 23, 1902. Attended Baltimore public schools. Homemaker.
President, Loyal Ladies' Auxiliary of Young Men's Bohemian Demo-
cratic Club of the 7th Ward. First vice-chairman, United Democratic
Women's Clubs of Maryland. Past president, James C. Ludwig Unit
No. 139, American Legion Auxiliary. Married, Member of the House
of Delegates since 1959. Chairman, Joint Committee on Juvenile
Problems, 1959 Session.
WILLIAM M. HOUCK, Democrat, Frederick County; born in Keyser,
W. Va„ March 14, 1920. Attended Garrett County public schools;
Frostburg State Teachers College. Life insurance agent. Served in
U. S. Army, 1944-45. Trial Magistrate, Thurmont, 1949-50. Member,
Thurmont Town Council, 1953-54. Past president, Thurmont Lions
Club. Member, American Legion. Married. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1959.
CHARLES B. HUYETT, Democrat, Washington County; born in
Hagerstown., December 19, 1930. Attended Washington County public
schools; University of Maryland, B.A., 1953. Bakery proprietor. Served
with U. S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps, 1953-55. Member, Young
Democratic Club of Washington County; Hagerstown Committee on