JAMES J. SILK, Democrat, Baltimore 1st; born in Baltimore,
July 2, 1911. Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools; Mt.
St. Joseph College. Investigator and income tax consultant. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
EDGAR P. SILVER, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Baltimore,
July 1, 1923. Attended Talmudical Academy; Baltimore City College;
University of Baltimore; Mt. Vernon Law School, LL.B. 1953. Served
with the U. S. Navy, 1942-45. Member, Northwest Civic Association.
Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
LLOYD L. SIMPKINS, Democrat, Somerset County; born in Mt.
Vernon, June 6, 1922. Attended Somerset County public schools;
University of Maryland College of Agriculture, B.S. 1947; University
of Maryland Law School, LL.B. 1952. Member of the Maryland Bar.
Oyster packer. Served in U. S. Navy, 1941-46. Member, Farm Bu-
reau; Elks, Lions; Masons; American Legion; V.F.W. Unmarried.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950. Chairman, Judiciary Com-
mittee, 1954-57.
DONALD E. SIX, Republican, Carroll County; born in Keysville,
June 14, 1914. Attended Carroll County public schools; Strayer-
Bryant-Stratton College, Baltimore. Retail feed, lumber, coal dealer;
building contractor. Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates
in 1947.
CHARLES H. SMELSER, Democrat, Frederick County; born at
Uniontown, Carroll County, July 4, 1920. Attended Carroll County
public schools; University of Maryland, B.S. 1942. Dairy farmer.
Served with the U. S. Air Force, 1943-45. Member, Lions. Married.
Elected to the House of Delegates in 1954.
CARROLL C. SMITH, Republican, Carroll County; born at Green-
mount, July 14, 1904. Attended Carroll County public schools. In the
meat packing business. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates
in 1946.
ROY NEVILLE STATEN, Democrat, Baltimore County; born at
Sandidges, Virginia, June 20, 1914. Attended public and private
schools in Virginia; Virginia Commercial College. Accountant, Divi-
sion Chief, Bethlehem Shipbuilding. Served three years in U. S.
Army. Member, Industrial Managements Club; Lions; Moose; Y.M.-
C.A.; Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates in 1953.
A. HARTLEY STEVENS, JR., Democrat, Worcester County; born
at Pocomoke City, January 1, 1902. Attended Worcester County pub-
lic schools; University of Richmond. Owner of dairy products com-
pany. Mayor of Snow Hill, 1950-54. Past president, Maryland
Municipal League; member, Selective Service Board No. 66, 1953-54.
Member, Civic Club of Snow Hill; Lions. Married. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1954.
J. ELLIS TAWES, Democrat, Somerset County; born in Crisfield,
April 10, 1899. Attended Crisfield public schools. Merchant. Served
in the U. S. Army, 1917-19. Member, Elks; American Legion;
V.F.W. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1950. Died,
March 1957.
LEWIS SELBY TAWNEY, JR., Democrat, Anne Arundel Coun-
ty; born in Baltimore, June 27, 1920. Attended private schools in
Pennsylvania, Baltimore, and Virginia; Eastern Chiropractic Insti-