JOHN C. LUBER, Speaker, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Bal-
timore, November 22, IMS. Attended Baltimore parochial schools;
special courses in accounting at University of Baltimore. Accountant,
employed by the B. & O. Railroad in Legal Department. Member,
National Railroad Pension Forum; B. & O. Accounting Association;
Moose. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1938. Majority
Leader, 1945; Speaker, 1951-57.
JOSEPH V. MACH, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born in Petersburg,
Virginia, March 5, 1921. Attended Virginia public schools. Salesman.
Served in the U. S. Navy, 1944-46. Member, Czechoslovak-American
Civic Association; American Legion. Married. Elected to the House
of Delegates in 1950.
HERVEY G. MACHEN, Democrat, Prince George's County; born
in Washington, D. C., December 14, 1916. Attended Prince George's
County public schools; University of Maryland; Southeastern Uni-
versity, Washington, D. C., LL.M. 1941. Member of the Maryland
Bar. Served in the U. S. Army, 1941-46. Assistant State's Attorney,
Prince George's County, 1947-50; Town Attorney, Cheverly, 1947-55;
City Attorney, Hyattsville, 1950-55. Vice-Chairman, Democratic
State Central Committee. Member, Maryland and American Bar
Associations; Kiwanis; American Legion. Married. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1954.
F. REYNOLDS MACKIE, Democrat, Cecil County; born in Fair
Hill, June 15, 1907. Attended Cecil County public schools; University
of Delaware. Farmer. President, George W. Biles Co. Member, Demo-
cratic State Central Committee of Cecil County, 1947-53. Director,
Elkton Bank and Trust Co. Director, Lions Club of Cecilton. Mar-
ried. Appointed to the House of Delegates in 1953.
JOHN N. MAGUIRE, Democrat, Baltimore County; born in Wilm-
ington, Delaware, September 19, 1914. Attended New Jersey public
schools; University of Virginia; University of Maryland; University
of Maryland Law School. Member of the Maryland Bar. Served in
Counter Intelligence Corps, 1942-45. Trial Magistrate, Essex, 1949-
55. President, Essex-Middle River Chamber of Commerce; member,
Maryland Bar Association; Military Intelligence Association; Trial
Magistrates Association. Past president, Middle River Rotary Club;
member. Knights of Columbus, Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1954.
MARVIN MANDEL, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Baltimore,
April 19, 1920. Attended Baltimore schools; University of Maryland;
The Johns Hopkins University; University of Maryland Law School,
LL.B. Member of the Maryland Bar. Served in the U. S. Army,
1942-44. Justice of Peace, Baltimore City, 1950. Member, Democratic
State Central Committee, Baltimore City, 1951; Baltimore Bar Asso-
ciation; Maryland Bar Association; American Legion; Jewish War
Veterans. Married. Appointed to the House of Delegates in 1952.
RALPH WILSON McCOOL, Democrat, Cecil County; born in Elk-
ton, October 28, 1918. Attended Elkton public schools; Washington
College. Branch manager, oil company. First Lieutenant, Maryland
National Guard, 1935-42; First Lieutenant, U. S. Air Force, 1943-45;
Air Force Reserves, 1945-47; Captain, Maryland National Guard,
since 1947. Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with three oak
leaf clusters. Member, Democratic State Central Committee, 1950-
57: Town Commission of Elkton, 1955-57; Rotary. Married. Ap-
pointed to the House of Delegates, March 28, 1957.