taxable basis 232
Orphans' Court days 488
towns 491
population 496, 504
Washington County Hospital 224
Republican Committee 321
Washington, D C 15, 21, 494
Senator 158
see also District of Columbia
taxable basis 232
Washington Missionary College 505
towns 491
Washington Monument State Park 13, 84
Wicomico County Water and Sewer
Washington Sanatanum and Hospital 224
Authority 267
Washington Suburban Sanitary
Wicomico State Game Farm 81
Commission 128 129
Williamsport Toll Bridge 104, 105 106
Wills, microfilm of 112
analysis 66, 67
Wills, Registers of
pollution 88, 132
Baltimore City 268
supply studies 86, 108, 134
counties 238
Water, Bureau of 271
Woman's Court, Baltimore City 269
Water and Sewer Authority,
Women, employment of 46
Wicomico County 267
Women, Maryland State Reformatory for,
Water Area 492
93 94, 96
Water Companies, regulated 42
Women's Prison 94
Water Front Commission 86
Woodstock College 505
Water Pollution Control Commission 88
Worcester County-
Water Resources Commission 86
alcoholic beverage licenses 32
Water Resources Study Commission 134
area 492
Water well drillers, licensed 86
county seat 486
Watkms Point 16
Court terms 488
Weather Service, State 87, 88
Delegates 161
Weekly Newspapers 506-508
Democratic Committee 316
Weights and measures
election districts 504
inspections 62
name and origin 486
tobacco, supervision 91
Officers 237-264, 267
Weights and Measures, Inspectors of
Orphans' Court days 488
Baltimore County 265
population 496, 504
Charles County 265
Republican Committee 321
Worcester County 267
Senator 158
Welfare, Board of 91
taxable basis 232
Welfare, Board of Public 71
towns 491
Welfare, Department of, Baltimore 268
World War I 22, 115
Welfare, State Department of Public 71
World War II 22, 114
Welfare Advisory Commission,
Workmen's Compensation Act 46, 47
Baltimore City 268
Workmen's Compensation Insurance 47
Welfare Boards, County
Workshop for the Blind, Maryland 58
appointment 71
Wrestling matches, supervised 43
directory of 251-254
Wye Oak State Park 13, 84
West Nottingham Academy 219
West Virginia 132
Western Maryland College 219
Western Shore Treasurers 457
Ymgoteagues 15
Wiccoeomicos 15
Yoacomacos 16, 17, 18
Wicomico County
Yorktown 20
alcoholic beverage licenses 32
Youth, Montgomery County Commission
area 492
for 266
Chronic Disease Hospital 23
county seat 486
court term 488
Delegates 161
Zoning, Montgomery and
Democratic Committee 316
Prince George's Counties 127
election districts 504
Zoning agencies, survey of 109
name and origin 486
Zoning Appeals, Board of
Officers 237-264, 267
Anne Arundel County 264