State Agencies
State Library 110 111
accounts audited 34
"State License Bureau" 31
appropriations, 1955 206
State Militia 96
appropriations, 1956 212
State Nurses Association, Maryland 69, 121
budget 27, 36
State Office Building 110
capital improvements 108, 109
State Officers, Historical list 445 479
counsel 36
State Parks 13 84
disbursements 30, 200
State Penal Farm 93
employees payroll 83
State Planning Commission 70, 108-109
employment 50
State Police, Department of Maryland
expenditures 30
State 99 100 107, 108
land transfers 30
State Police Retirement System 53
leases 29, 35
State Programs, Organization and Finance,
programs surveyed 134
Commission on 134
property 228-231
State Publications, bibliography 135 149
purchasing 36
depositories 37, 111, 113
publications bibliography 135-149
State Roads Commission 100, 101 106
publications depositories 37, 111, 113
State Records Management Program 113
receipts 195-198
State Reformatory for Males, Maryland
records 30, 112, 113
93 94, 96
rules and regulations 29, 30
State Reformatory for Women 93, 94, 96
State Reporter 187
Child Welfare 221
State Sanatorium 67
colleges 219
State Soil Conservation Committee 89
Health Services 220
State Tax Commission 34, 113
hospitals 223-224
State Tax Rate 233
schools 219-220
State Teachers College of Baltimore 56
societies 220
State Teachers Colleges 54, 55 57 505
State Appeal Board 31
State Tobacco Warehouse 90
State Apple Commission, Maryland 90
State Treasurer 33 90
State Athletic Commission 43
State Use Industries 92, 93, 94
State Auditor 33
State War Ballot Commission 133
State Aviation Commission 48
State Weather Service 87 88
State banks, supervision of 39
State's Attorneys
State boundaries, maintenance 79
Baltimore City 268
State Building Code 109
counsel to 37
State Central Committees 153, 311-321
counties, list 237
State Commissioner of Personnel 28, 50
Steam Boiler Inspection Law 45
State debt 29, 30 31, 221, 222
Stream pollution 88, 132
State Dental Association, Maryland 69, 119
Street railways, regulated 42
State Employees
Strikes, mediated 45
merit system 50
Stop mining, regulated 86
payroll 33
Substitute Police Magistrates,
retirement 52
Baltimore City 269
salary standards 51
Suburban Hospital 224
State Fair Board, Maryland 89-90
Subversive Activities Act 37
State Fire Marshal 41
Superintendent of Buildings,
State Firemen's Association, Maryland 220
Baltimore County 265
State Fish Hatchery 81
Superintendent of Instruction 269
State Forest Nursery 13, 84
Superintendent of Prisons 91
State Forests 13, 83, 84
Superintendent of Public Buildings and
State Guard 27
Grounds 110
State Heating Plant 110
Superintendent of Schools, State 53
State Highway Construction Bonds 103
Superintendent of State Police 99
State Horticultural Society, Maryland 90
Superintendents of Schools, County 250-251
State House 110
Superior Court of Baltimore City 189
State Industrial Accident Commission 46 47
Clerk of 268
State Inspection and Regulatory Service 62
Supervisors of Assessments
State Insurance Department 40
appointment 35