Delegates .................... 154
Democratic Central Committee.. 284
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin. ............. 451
Officers ............. .219-247. 251
population ............... .463, 471
Republican Central Committee. . . 289
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................ 215
Washington County Hospital. ... 19.-). 1.97
Washington 'Metropolitan Area. .122, 124
Washington Missionary College ..... 53
Washington Monument State Parlt..9,78
Washington Sanatorium and
Hospital ............... 195, 197
Washington State Game Farm...... 76
Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission ................ 124
"Water and Sewer Authority,
Wicomico County ........... 251
Water Companies, regulated. ...... 37
Water Pollution ............... 82, 127
Water Pollution Control Commission 82
Water Resources, conserva-
tion ......58,79,82,102.124,127
Water Resources, Department of
Geology, Mines and......... 79
Water Resources Commission...... 79
Water Supply ..........62,79,102, 124
Water Well Drilling. ........ . 79
Weather Service, State....... . 81
Weekly Newspapers ...... 472
Weights and Measures
dairy, regulated .............. 58
inspection ................ . 57
tobacco .................. . 85
Welfare, Board of Public, Baltimore
City ...................... 253
Welfare, State Department of Public 66
Welfare Boards, County
appointment ............ 66
directory ............. 234
West Nottingham Academv..... .. 198
Western Shore Treasurer....... . 423
Western Maryland College .....53,198
Wicomico Children's Home.... . 193
Wicomico County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns.............. 458
County seat ............'...... 452
Cuurl terms ................. 4S4,
Delegates ................... 155
Democratic Central Committee. . 284
Judges ...................... 178
liquor license appeals.......... 26
name and origin .............. 458
Officers ............. .219-247 251
population ............... .463, 471
Republican Central Committee. . . 289
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................ 215
Wicomico County Water and Sewer
Authority ................. 251
Wicomico State Game Farm....... 76
Willlamsport Bridge, Commission to
Study the Acquisition of...., 130
Wills, Microfilm Copies............ 107
Wills, Registers of
see Registers of Wills
Women, employment regulated...... 41
Women, Keformatory for. ......... 89
Woodstock College ............... 53
Worcester County
area ........................ 459
cities and towns. .............. 459
County seat .................. 452
Court terms .................. 454
Delegates .................... 155
Democratic Central Committee... 284
Judges ...................... 178
name and origin .............. 452
Officers ...................219-247
population ................ 463, 471
Republican Central Committee... 289
Senator ..................... 151
taxable basis ................ 215
Work Permits, minors. ........... 41
Workmen's Compensation
Insurance ................ 41, 43
Workmen's Compensation Law..... 41
Workshop for The Blind. Maryland. 54
World War I. ................... 18
World War II. ................ 18, 108
Wrestling Matches, regulated. ..... 37
Wye Oak State Park. ........... .9, 78
Youth Commissions
Anne Arundel County. ......... 248
Montgomery County .......... 250
Wicomico County ............. 251
Zoning, advisory ................ 102
Zoning, Montgomery and Prince
George's Counties .......... 123
Zoning Appeals, Board of Municipal
and, Baltimore City. ........ 257
Zoning Appeals, Boards of
Anne Arundel County. ......... 248
Montgomery County ........... 250
Zoning Board, Airpoit. ........... 257
Zoning Commissioners
Anne Arundel County. ......... 248
Baltimore County ............ 248
Howard County .............. 250
Zoning Commissions
Talbot County ............... 251
Wicomico County ............. 251