Chairman: Raymond W. Bellamy, 1967
J. Norman Ager, 1957; L. S. (Ted) Ray, 1957
James B. Parkhill, Secretary-Treasurer
Harry B. Shaw, Chief Engineer
4017 Hamilton Street, Hyattsville Telephone: Warfield 4000
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission was organized
in 1918. It is composed of three members appointed by the Governor
for terms of six years. The Commission, originally responsible for an
area of 99 square miles, has now extended its work to 200 square
miles in Prince George's and Montgomery Counties contiguous to the
District of Columbia. The area has a population of over 320,000 and
an assessable basis of 437 millions of dollars. The Commission's juris-
diction includes trash and garbage collection, storm water drainage,
plumbing inspection, location and control of underground construc-
tion and water services. It operated as of December 31, 1950, 917
miles of water mains and 794 miles of sewers, serving approximately
65,000 homes. Its source of water supply is a reservoir known as
Brighton Reservoir on the Patuxent River, about ten miles above
Laurel, having a water service of 775 acres and supplying three,
ten million gallon filter plants, two located near Laurel and the other
north of Silver Spring. All construction is from the proceeds of bonds
of which the sum of 41 million is now outstanding. The Commission
supports itself with the receipts for its services. (Acts 1918, ch. 122;
1924, 469; 1935, 597; 1937, 140; 1939, 266; 1941, 668, 892; 1943, 468B,
524A; 1947, 736, 793, 820; Acts 1949, Chs. 574, 728).
1950 (Calendar Year)
Water Service $1,688,078.40
Front Foot Benefit Charges 1,692,916.13
House Connection Charge 896,053.98
Refuse and Trash Collection 394,566.97
Plumbing Inspection Fees 118,665.25
Total $4,790,280.73
Staff: 1,023
Chairman: John McMullen, 1953
Owen E. Hitchins, 1951; Lawrence M. Fraley, 1949
9 S. Mechanic Street, Cumberland Telephone: Cumberland 4600
The Upper Potomac River Commission was established in 1935. The
Commission is composed of three members; one appointed by the Gov-
ernor who also serves as Chairman, and one each from the Counties
of Allegany and Garrett, who are appointed by the respective Boards
of County Commissioners. The term of each member is for six years,
the term of one member expiring each second year. The Commission,
which has jurisdiction in all of Allegany County and Election District