Indentured Servants ............. 15
Indeterminate Sentence .....92, 94, 95
Indian Tribes .................. 11
Industrial Accident Commission
membership ................. 42
duties ...................... 43
publications ................. 135
Industrial Arts Education ........ 50
Industrial Disputes, negotiation of. 42
Industrial Finance Law .......... 35
Industrial Health, Division of ..... 65
Industrial Inspections ...42, 43, 65, 88
Industrial Plants, inventory of ... 106
Industrial Production .......... .9, 18
Industrial Safety ................ 43
Industrial Waste .........64, 88, 132
Industries of Maryland .......... 9
Industries, State Use ...........92-95
Industry, Labor and, Depart-
ment of .................. 41-42
Infant Health .................. 64
Information Centers, Veterans .... 113
Information, Department of
duties ...................... 112
publications ................. 136
"Ingle's War" ................. 13
Injuries, industrial .............. 43
see Mental Hygiene
Insecticides, inspection of ........ 58
Inspection and Regulatory Ser-
vice, State ................ 58
Inspector of Tobacco ............ 90
Installment Sales Division ........ 37
Institutions, Charitable .31, 72, 190-193
Institutions, State
building programs
supervised ......24, 25, 106, 107
map showing location of .....66, 67
Institutions, State-aided
appropriations 1950 ........ 190-195
expenditures 1949 ......... 190-193
supervision over ........... 64, 72
Instruction, Division of........... 50
Instruction, Public, Superintendent
of, Baltimore City........... 246
Insurance, Accident ........... 43, 44
Insurance Department
duties ...................... 36
publications ................. 136
Insurance, Financial Responsibility. 104
Insurance, State's ........24, 25, 28
Intergovernmental Cooperation, Com-
mittees on ............. 130, 131
Internal Improvements ........... 17
Inter-iRacial Commission .......... 75
Interstate Commerce Commission... 38
Interstate Commission on the Poto-
mac River Basin
duties ....................... 132
publications ................. 146
Interstate Compact on Parole and
Probation ................. 95
Interstate Cooperation Agencies
33, 130-132
Investments, State ........... .28, 205
Jails, County, inspection of. ....... 92
Jockeys, registration of........... 40
John Brown's Raid .............. 17
Johns Hopkins University, The
accredited ................... 53
founding .................... 18
State-aid .................... 194
Journals, General Assembly,
distribution of ............... 108
Junior Colleges ............ 51-54, 61
Circuit Courts ............... 181
Court of Appeals. ......... .23, 181
People's Court, Baltimore City. . 182
Orphans' Court ......216, 217, 248
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City 182
Judges of the Court of Appeals, his-
torical list of. ......... ..414-416
Judicial Circuits, maps of...... 179, 180
administration of ............. 24
election returns for....... .255, 266
Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court
from Maryland ............. 430
Justices of the Peace
Baltimore City ........... .248, 249
Counties .................. 222-224
seR also Trial Magistrates
Juvenile Causes, Courts for
Baltimore City ............... 182
Counties ................ .220, 222