ROSE MARIE MURPHY, Democrat, Baltimore 2nd; born at Baltimore,
April 18, 1900. Attended parochial school in Baltimore and Notre
Dame College, Baltimore. Housewife. President Governor O'Conor
Democratic Club of Tenth Ward, Ladies' Auxiliary. Married. Elect-
ed to the House of Delegates in 1946.
JASPER C. MYERS, Republican, Garrett County; born at Friends-
ville, Maryland, July 12, 1885. Attended the public schools at
Friendsville and Teachers Training School in that town. Farmer,
and stock raiser. Served with Company G, 79th Division 1918-1919.
Postmaster of Shallmar, Maryland, 1920-1927. Married. Elected to
the House of Delegates in 1942.
IRA C. NELSON, Republican, Talbot County; born at Trappe,
Maryland, July 11, 1918. Attended the public schools at Trappe and
the Eastern Shore Business College at Cambridge. Auctioneer.
Served as Staff Sergeant with the 116th Infantry, Company I. Dis-
charged as a 1st Lieutenant. Married. Elected to the House of Dele-
gates in 1946.
JOHN N. NEWCOMER, Republican, Washington County, born at
Beaver Creek, Maryland, September 29, 1894. Attended the public
schools at, Ringgold, Washington County High School at Hagerstown,
and Hamilton School of Law, Chicago. Public school teacher in
Washington County 1914-1918; now farmer and fruit grower. Mar-
ried. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1942.
MAKY L. NOCK, Democrat, Wicomico County; born at Green Hill,
Wicomico County, Maryland. Housewife. Married. Elected to the
House of Delegates in 1946.
WILLIAM C. O'MALLEY, Democrat, Baltimore 3rd; born at Clinton,
Massachusetts, March 7, 1896. Attended the public schools of Clinton.
Accountant. Served as Sergeant in the Medical Department'of World
War I. Married. Appointed, to the House of Delegates in 1944.
JOSEPH B. PAYNE, Republican, Frederick County; born at Lees-
burg, Virginia, December 15, 1894. Attended the public schools of
Brunswick. Employed by the B. & 0. Railroad. Served with the
28th Division, 111 Infantry, Company K, in 1917-1924. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates, 1985-1939, 1946..
S. PETER POLLACK, Democrat, Baltimore 4th; born September
5, 1906, Baltimore. Attended the public schools of Baltimore. En-
gaged in insurance business. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1942.
CHARLES J. POTTS, Democrat, Wicomico County; born at Nor-
folk, Virginia, April 19, 1910. Attended public school in Salisbury,
Maryland; Randolph Macon Academy; Pennsylvania State College,
State College, Pennsylvania, graduating in 1932; attended the Law
School of the University of Maryland, graduating in 1937, and was
admitted to the Bar in the same year. From 1943-1945 served as a
Corporal with Company D, 276th Infantry Regiment. Served as City
Solicitor of Salisbury 1939-47. Married. Elected to the House of
Delegates in 1946.
LEROY W. PRESTON, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born in Baltimore
County, July 30, 1915. Attended public schools at Towson, and
at St. Petersburg, Florida; graduated from the University of Balti-
more in 1938. Admitted to the Bar in 1939. Member of the 61st