St. John's College, Annapolis, graduating in 1916. Retired. Captain
in the 62nd Infantry, 1917-1918 and in the Quartermasters Corps,
1918-1920. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1943-1949.
Appointed to the Senate, 1949.
PERCY E. THOMAS, Democrat, Queen Anne's County; born at
Chester, Maryland, October 10, 1900. Merchant. Member of the
House of Delegates, 1935-1937, 1943-1945. Married. Appointed to
the Senate, 1947.
JOHN GRASON TURNBULL, Democrat, Baltimore County; born at
Towson, Maryland, January 23, 1909. Attended McDonogh School,
The Johns Hopkins University and the Maryland Law School, gradu-
ating in 1932. Admitted to the Bar the same year. Deputy State's
Attorney for Baltimore County, 1939-1943. Member of the House
of Delegates, 1943; resigning to enter the Army the same year;
inducted as Private, discharged as Captain, JAG. State's Attorney
for Baltimore County, 1947-1948. Married. Appointed to the Senate
in 1948.
WALLACE H. WHITE, Democrat, Wicomico County; born at Powell-
ville, Maryland, January 15, 1887. Attended the public schools at
Powellville and Charlotte Hall Academy. A former teacher, he is
now Managing Editor of the Salisbury Advertiser. He has served as
Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee since 1942.
Married. Appointed to the Senate in 1948.
EDWARD J. ALBEKS, Democrat, Baltimore, 3rd; born in Baltimore,
July 10, 1903; attended St. John's School in Baltimore. Mr. Albers
is a machinist, and also is in the real estate and insurance business.
Between 1941-1945, he was a personnel consultant in Baltimore, and
during World War II he was a manager for the local gasoline ra-
tioning board. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1939-
1941, elected a second time in 1946.
HORACE M. ALEXANDER, Republican, Frederick County; born in
Woodsboro, Frederick County, January 6, 1913. He was graduated
from high school in West Carrollton, Ohio, and attended Manchester
College in Indiana. He is in the real estate and insurance business.
Member of the City Police in Frederick, 1937-1938, Deputy Sheriff
1938-1940, Acting Sheriff 1940-1942, and Sheriff of Frederick County,
1942-1946. Married. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1946.
HOWARD E. ANKENEY, Democrat, Washington County; borri near
Clear Spring, Maryland, August 12, 1903. Attended school at Charl-
ton, Maryland. Merchant. Married. Elected to the House of Dele-
gates in 1943.
CHARLES F. ARGABRIGHT, Democrat, Baltimore 5th; born at Mc-
Gaheysville, Virginia, June 1, 1884. Attended the public school at
McGaheysville and Oak Hill Academy. An electrical contractor, he
was employed as Electrical Inspector for the Housing Authority of
Baltimore 1940-1945. From 1918-1919, he served with the U. S. Army,
Transportation Corps, holding the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Married.
Member of the House of Delegates since 1939.