Acting Chairman: John B. Funk, Chief Engineer
Ex-officio Member: Joseph R. Bymes, President, Legisla-
tive Council.
Appointed Members: William L. Galvin, Board of Public
Welfare, 1961; Robert H. Riley, M.D., Director, State De-
partment of Health, 1951; Robert M. Reindollar, Chairman,
State Roads Commission, 1951; Charles E. Brohawn, 1951;
E. Brooke Lee, 1952; Thomas B. Symons, 1950.
I. Alvin Pasarew, Director
100 Lexington Building, Baltimore 2 Telephone: Lexington 6411
The Maryland State Planning Commission, established in 1933, con-
sists of the President of the Legislative Council and the Chief Engi-
neer of Maryland as ex-officio members and seven members appointed
by the Governor for terms of four years. Of the seven appointive
members one must be the Director or a member of the State Board
of Public Welfare, one must be the Director or a member of the State
Board of Health, one the Chief Engineer or a member of the State
Roads Commission, one must be a resident of the Eastern Shore, one
a resident of Central Maryland including Baltimore City, one a resi-
dent of Southern Maryland, and one a resident of Western Maryland.
The functions of this Commission are to prepare or coordinate plans
for the physical development of the State including plans for complete
systems of State or regional highways, expressways, parkways, parks,
water supply and forest reservations and airways and air terminals;
to advise with State departments and bureaus, local authorities and
individuals, with a view to the coordination of all physical develop-
ment plans related to State activities; to make surveys of rural land
utilization to determine areas suitable for field crops, reforestation,
watershed protection, recreation, summer residence and urban expan-
sion, to prepare a long-term development program of major State
improvements; and generally, to make available information on sub-
jects affecting the health and welfare of the people of Maryland. The
Commission maintains a current inventory of study and research con-
ducted by State agencies, in behalf, or in the interests, of the State
(Code 1947 Supp., Art. 88 C, sees. 1-8).
To carry out these functions the Commission is currently (1) study-
ing the medical needs and facilities of the State; (2) surveying the
capital improvement needs of the various State agencies and institu-
tions and the financial problems pertaining thereto; (3) developing
a master airport plan for the State; (4) developing a master recrea-
tion plan for the Baltimore Metropolitan Area; (5) continuing its
collection and analyses of economic and social trends within the State;
(6) serving in an advisory capacity for local and regional planning
and zoning agencies; (7) cooperating with local and out-of-state
firms seeking new locations and maintaining for this purpose a cur-
rent inventory of vacant industrial plants in Maryland.
In cooperation with the State Soil Conservation Service and the
Board of Natural Resources, the Commission is studying the problems
of the Monocacy Watershed and preparing a comprehensive plan for
the control of pollution and siltation in this area. It is surveying the
economic potentialities of Dorchester County at the request of the