108 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore 3, Md.
Telephone: LExington 4370
Chairman of the Commission and Director of the Department
of Public Works (Chapter 704—Acts of 1946):
Robert M. Reindollar— ..................Baltimore ..........-1951
Members of the Roads Commission:
P. Watson Webb.................Cambridge ...........1949
Russell H. McCain..........-Frederick .........1947
Secretary, Lamar H. Steuart.
Chief Auditor, William A. Godd.
Special Assistant Attorney General, K. Thomas Everngam.
Chief Engineer, Wilson T. Ballard.
The Commission consists of three members appointed by the Gov-
ernor, one of whom the Governor shall designate as Chairman and
be known as Director of the Department of Public Works; one of the
members shall be a resident of the Eastern Shore, and one a resident
of the Western Shore and one a resident of Baltimore City. At least
one member shall belong to or be affiliated with that one of the two
leading political parties opposite to that which the Governor belongs.
One shall be appointed for six years, one for four years and one for
two years, thereafter, all terms are for six years. Terms beginning
June 1,1945.
The State Roads Commission administers all financial and physical
transactions applicable to the construction and maintenance of all
State roads and bridges on the State Road System. (Chapter 539,
1931). The construction of new roads, and other projects, on the
System, is financed from a portion of the proceeds of one and one-
half cent (1 1/2 c) gasoline tax, Federal Aid, Special Federal Appro-
priations for the construction of roads and bridges, and with contri-
butions from the counties together with a portion of the one-half
cent 1/2c gasoline tax, a portion of the two cent 2c gasoline tax, and
a portion of the Commission's participation in revenue from the
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. New bridges on the State System
of roads likewise are constructed from proceeds of the Construction
In thirteen of the twenty-three counties of the State, the State
Roads Commission of Maryland has been delegated the authority of
performing all necessary functions in connection with the mainte-
nance of the County Systems of Roads and Bridges. The cost of
maintenance of the County Systems of Roads and Bridges is charged to
those funds allotted to the Counties from the one and one-half cent
(1 1/2 c) Lateral Gasoline Tax, and administered by the Commission
for use of the respective counties (Chapter 42B, 1933, Chapter
465, 1935, Chapter 341, 1937, Chapter 766, 1939, Chapter 888, 1941,
and during the War emergency and for six months thereafter by
Chapter 703 of 1943).
At the session of the General Assembly of 1941, the administration
of the Lateral Gasoline Tax Fund was changed by Chapter 888. An
important modification of the previous law permitted additional coun-
ties to maintain and to construct roads under the County System
and likewise changed the previous law with respect to use of the
Lateral Gasoline Tax Fund by the Counties for the payment of debt