and so great Services, Customs and Rents OF THIS KIND,
as to the same now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and
Assigns, shall seem fit and agreeable, and not immediately
of US, our Heirs or Successors. And WE do give, and by these
Presents, for US, our Heirs or Successors, do grant to the
same Person and Persons, and to each and every of them,
License, Authority and Power, that such Person or Persons,
may take the premises, or any Parcel thereof, of the aforesaid
now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns, and hold
the same to them and their Assigns, or their Heirs of the afore-
said Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns of what
Estate of Inheritance soever, in Fee-Simple or Fee-tail, or other-
wise, as to them and the now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs
and Assigns, shall seem expedient; the Statute made in the
Parliament of Lord EDWARD, son of King HENRY, the late
King of England, our Progenitor, commonly called the" STAT-
lished in our Kingdom of England, or any other Statute, Act,
Ordinance, Usage, Law, or Custom, or any other Things, Cause,
or Matter, to the contrary thereof, heretofore had, done,
published, ordained or provided to the contrary thereof not-
XIX. WE, also, by these Presents, do give and grant
License to the same Baron of BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs,
to erect any Parcels of Land within the PROVINCE aforesaid,
into Manors, and in every of those Manors, to have and to hold
a Court-Baron, and all Things which to a Court-Baron do be-
long: and to have and to keep View of Frank-Pledge, for the
Conservation of the Peace and Better Government of those
Parts, by themselves and their Stewards, or by the Lords, for
the Time being to be deputed, of other of those Manors, when
they shall be constituted, and in the same to exercise all Things
to the View of Frank-Pledge belonging.
XX. AND FURTHER, WE will, and do, by these Presents, for
US, our Heirs and Succesors, covenant and grant to, and with
the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs and As-
signs, that We, our Heirs and Successors, at no Time hereafter
will impose, or make or cause to be imposed, any Impositions,
Customs, or other Taxations, Quotas or Contributions whatso-
ever, in or upon the Residents or Inhabitants of the PROVINCE
aforesaid, for their Goods, Lands, or Tenements within the
same PROVINCE, or upon any tenements, lands, goods of chat-
tels within the PROVINCE, aforesaid, or in or upon any Goods or
Merchandizes within the PROVINCE aforesaid, or within the
Ports or Harbours of the said PROVINCE, to be laden or un-
laden: And WE Will and do, for US, our Heirs and Successors,
enjoin and command that this our Declaration shall from