Secretary-Treasurer, Albert S. Cook, Lexington Building, Baltimore.
Office of the State Superintendent of Schools
1111 Lexington Building, Baltimore, Maryland
Albert S. Cook........................ State Superintendent of Schools
I. Jewell Simpson
Assistant Superintendent in charge of Elementary Instruction
Thomas G. Pullen, Jr............ Assistant Superintendent in Adminis-
tration and Supervisor of High Schools
E. Clarke Fontaine (Chestertown) ....... ..Supervisor of High Schools
James E. Spitznas (Cumberland),.........Supervisor of High Schools
J. Walter Huffington............................ Supervisor of Colored Schools
Earle T. Hawkins.............................. Supervisor of High Schools
Thomas C. Ferguson, Supervisor of Physical Education and Recreation
Elsie E. Sammis........ ..Assistant Supervisor of Physical Education
and Recreation
John J. Seidel...... Director of Vocational Education and Supervisor
of Trade and Industrial Education
Elisabeth Ameny........................ Supervisor of Home Economics
H. F. Cotterman (College Park)............ Supervisor of Agriculture
R. Floyd Cromwell
Supervisor of Educational and Vocational Guidance
R. C. Thompson (910 Lexington Building)
Supervisor of Vocational Rehabilitation and Special Education
Thomas D. Braun (910 Lexington Building) .Rehabilitation Assistant
Roger E. Martz (Hagerstown)..................Rehabilitation Assistant
Adelene J. Pratt (400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore)
State Director of Public Libraries
Bessie C. Stern. . . ..Statistician, Bureau of Educational Measurements
Merle S. Bateman....................................... Credential Secretary
Grace Steele Travers............................................ Financial Secretary
E. Sue Walter. ............................................................. Senior Clerk
Ruth E. Hobbs..................................................... Stenographer
Elizabeth McGinnity....................................................... Stenographer
Mindell Schaff. ............................................ Statistical Assistant
Helen Bucher Bandiere................................................... Stenographer
Ruth Owens Knauss (910 Lexington Building) ....... Stenographer
Frances O. Kann........................................ Statistical Assistant
Mary E. Volz....................................................... Stenographer
Margaret L. Miller...................................................... Stenographer
Presidents of State Teachers Colleges
M. Theresa Wiedefeld. ............. State Teachers College. . . ..Towson
John L. Dunkle. ......................... State Teachers College. .Frostburg
J. D. Blackwell. ....................... State Teachers College. . Salisbury
Leonidas S. James, Maryland State Teachers College (for
Colored Students).................................................. Bowie
Board of Trustees, Maryland Teachers' Retirement System..
Hooper S. Miles, Chairman.................... State Treasurer
J. Millard Tawes.............................................. State Comptroller
Albert S. Cook.......................... State Superintendent of Schools
Edwin W. Broome, Vice-Chairman
County Superintendent of Schools, Rockville
Margaret S. Upham............................ School Principal, Cumberland