of their courts, whenever in their discretion the business
of the several counties renders such terms necessary.
The additional associate Judge for the third circuit elect-
ed in accordance with the terms of the Constitutional
Amendment heretofore submitted and adopted shall be
subject to the same constitutional provisions, hold his
office for the same term of years, receive the same com-
pensation and have the same powers as are herein pro-
vided for the other associate judges in the third circuit.
The additional associate judge for the second circuit
herein provided for shall be a resident of Cecil County,
shall be appointed by the Governor after the expiration
of six (6) months after the adoption of this amendment
and shall serve until the first general election for mem-
bers of the Genera] Assembly that shall be held in said
circuit subsequent to the adoption of this amendment, at
which election his successor shall be elected by the quali-
fied voters of Caroline, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's and
Talbot Counties, constituting the second circuit. The
judge so appointed shall be subject to the same constitu-
tional provisions, receive the same compensation and
have the same powers as are herein provided fur the
other associate judges in the second circuit, and the judge
so elected shall be subject to the same constitutional
provision, hold his office for the same term of years,
receive the same compensation, and have the same pow-
ers as are herein provided for the other associate judges
in the second circuit.
The additional judge for the sixth circuit herein pro-
vided for and elected by the qualified voters of Frederick
and Montgomery Counties at the 1938 election in accord-
ance with the terms of the Constitutional Amendment
heretofore submitted and adopted shall be subject to the
same constitutional provisions, receive the same compen-
sation and have the same powers as are herein provided
for the other associate judges in the sixth circuit and his
successor shall be appointed and/or elected in accord-
ance with the constitutional provisions relating to judges.
The Chief Judge may be elected from either Frederick
or Montgomery Counties, but when the Chief Judge is
elected from Frederick County one of the associate
judges shall be a resident of said county and the two
remaining associate judges shall be residents of Mont-
gomery County and when the Chief Judge is elected from
Montgomery County one of the associate judges shall be
a resident of said Montgomery County and the remaining
two associate judges residents of Frederick County.