Dorchester ............. Hattie E. Brooks. ... Cambridge
Frederick .................. .. Florence E. Williams .... Frederick
Garrett ............. Mildred Barton ............... Oakland
Harford ............. Catharine Maurice ............. Bel Air
Howard ............... M. E. Manahan .............Ellicott City
Kent ............. Helen Schellinger Chestertown
Montgomery ............. E. M. Turner ............. Rockville
Prince George's ......... .Ethel Regan ............. Hyattsville
Queen Anne's ............. Ruby Kirk . ..............Centreville
St. Mary's.............Ethel Joy ....... . .. Leonardtown
Somerset ............. Hilda Topfer ............. Princess Anne
Talbot ............. Margaret Smith............. Easton
Washington ............. Ardath Martin ............. Hagerstown
Wicomico .............. Judith Ault............. Salisbury
Worcester ............. Lucy J. Walter.............. Snow Hill
Assistant County Home Demonstration Agents
Allegany ............. .....Margaret T. Loar ... ..... Cumberland
Baltimore and Harford .......... Elizabeth R. Johnson. ........ .. .Towson
Local Home Demonstration Agents—Negro Work
Charles, St. Mary's
and Prince George's .............Dorothy R. Ransom, 106 Rhode Island
Ave., Brentwood
Somerset ............. Mrs. Justine N. Clark ..Princess Anne
Assistant Local Home Demonstration Agent (Colored)
Charles, St. Mary's
and Prince George's.............Charlotte M. Corbin, 106 Rhode Island
Ave., Brentwood
Charlotte Hall School, Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's County
Chapter 321 of the Acts of 1898 provides that Charlotte Hall School
shall grant one scholarship of board and tuition to each Legislative
District of the State. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter
241 of the laws of 1933, in Baltimore City and the counties of Dor-
chester, Kent, and Queen Anne's the scholarships are awarded by
the State Senators after examinations given by the school. In all
other counties the scholarships are awarded by the County Boards of
Education, the selections being made after competitive examinations
from among the youths who reside in the counties for which they are
respectively chosen and who are or have been students in the public
schools of such counties.
Major Miel D. Burgee, B.S., M.A. (University of Maryland, Colum-
bia University), Mathematics and Science.
Major W. A. Stephens, A.B. (Clemson College, Graduate Student
in Education), English and History.
Captain A F. Jensen, A.B, M A (University of Wisconsin, Uni-
versity of Madrid, Milwaukee State Teachers College Summer
School), French, Spanish and English.
Captain L. H. Walker, B.S. (Bay-Path Institute, American Inter-
national College, University of Vermont Summer School, Grad-
uate Student in Education), Commercial Subjects.