State Treasurer: HOOPER STEELE MILES (Democrat), Salis-
bury, Md.
Hooper Steele Miles, son of Mrs. Agnes Hooper Miles and
the late Alonzo L. Miles, was born in Cambridge, Dorchester
County, Maryland, January 27th, 1895, and shortly there-
after moved to Baltimore City with his parents, where he
resided until they removed to Salisbury, in 1913.
He was educated in the public schools of Baltimore City
and was graduated from the Law School of the University
of Maryland in 1916. He was admitted to the Bar in the
same year and immediately began the practice of law in
Salisbury with his father under the firm name of Miles and
Miles. Upon the death of his father in November, 1917, he
continued to practice alone for several years and in 1925 he
formed the law firm of Miles, Bailey and Williams in Salis-
bury, of which he is now the senior member.
He was a Delegate from Wicomico County to the House of
Delegates at the 1920 session of the General Assembly and
from 1925 to 1932 was City Solicitor for the City of Salis-
bury. He served as a member of the State Tax Survey Com-
mission appointed in 1931 by Governor Ritchie pursuant to
a joint resolution of the General Assembly, and in 1932 as
a member of the State Banking Commission appointed by
Governor Ritchie to review the State Banking Laws and
Regulations. Mr. Miles was Chairman of the State Demo-
cratic Campaign Committee during the Gubernatorial and
Congressional campaign of 1934 and was elected Treasurer
of Maryland by the General Assembly at its session of 1935
and assumed the duties of that office January 29, 1935. By
virtue of his office as Treasurer of Maryland, he is a member
of the Board of Trustees and Treasurer of the State Teach-
ers' Retirement System and a member of the Boards of the
several State-owned institutions.
Since May, 1932, he was President of County Trust
Company of Maryland (formerly The Eastern Shore Trust
Company), which company operates banks in ten counties of
Maryland, with its main bank in Cambridge and its executive
offices in Baltimore City, until March, 1937, when he re-
signed, upon his election as Executive Vice-President and a
director of the Baltimore National Bank.
Mr. Miles was married in 1919 to Miss A. Frances Will-
iams, daughter of the late L. Ernest and Georgia Todd Will-
iams of Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Miles reside in Salisbury
and have three children.