Reading Clerk at $10.00 per diem .. . .. 900.00
Sergeant-at-Arms at $7.00 per diem ... .. - 630.00
Chief Engrossing or Printing Clerk. - - . 630.00
Postmaster to act in conjunction with Postmaster of the
Senate - - -.. 315.00
Chief Page at $5.00 per diem 450.00
Assistant Chief Page, $5.00 per diem - 450.00
Assistant Chief Clerk, at $7.00 per diem . 630.00
Proofreaders or Copyholders, 4 at $5.00 per diem 1,800.00
Billroom Clerk at $5.00 per diem .. . . . 450.00
Committee Clerks, 4 at $5.00 per diem - 1,800.00
Judiciary Committee Clerk at $7.00 per diem . 630.00
Chaplain at $5.00 per diem . 450.00
Clerk to Minority Members at $5.00 per diem 450.00
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms, 2 at $5.00 per diem 900.00
Secretary to Speaker, at $7.00 per diem . - .. 630.00
Stenographer to Speaker, at $5.00 per diem . 450.00
Doorkeepers, 5 at $5.00 per diem - 2,250.00
Pages, 4 at $6.00 per diem . 1,800.00
Matron to Ladies' Boom. - - .. 450.00
Stenographers, 12 at $5.00 per diem. of which one shall
be assigned to the Ways and Means Committee, one to
the Judiciary Committee, one to the City Delegation, and
one to the Committee on Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries 5,400.00
Two Stenographers to Minority Members - - 900.00
Assistant Elevator Operator 225.00
Expenses of House of Delegates:
Mileage of Members of House of Delegates $4,893.00
Committee on Engrossed Bills - - - 400.00
Stationery for Members. - . 3,000.00
Mileage of Chief Clerk, Journal Clerk, Reading Clerk and
Sergeant-at-Arms not to exceed $200.00 at the rate pro-
vided by law for the House of Delegates . - 200.00
Stamps for Members - 3,000.00
Stamps for Chief Clerk ..--- - 25.00
Stationery for Chief Clerk, Journal Clerk and Reading Clerk 75.00
Extra expenses for Speaker after Session 300.00
Extra services for Chief Clerk after Session . - 200.00
Drinking water, cups, soap, towels, etc, - 100.00
Miscellaneous General Contingent Fund to be spent by
Speaker of the House on order of the House 1,250.00
Stationery for use of Officers and Committees - - 600.00
Extra services of Chairman of Claims Committee after
Session - - --- 200.00
Indexing Laws .-- - 300.00
Books for Committees and House of Delegates - 500.00
Indexing House and Senate Journals - - 600.00
Recording Laws with Clerk of Court of Appeals - 650.00
Printing for Legislature of 1937 (including Third Reading
Bills) - - - 30,000.00
Publishing Public General Laws - . - 12,500.00
Fitting Chambers of Senate and House of Delegates for
Session of 1937 (including rental of typewriters) 1,000.00
Copying and Arranging for Publishing of Laws of 1937 750.00
Extra cleaning of State House - 1,500.00
Telephone Service - - - 6,000.00
For Stationery and Supplies for Members and Committees 4,000.00
Legislative Storekeeper - -- .- -. 600.00