Members of Commission.
John A. Novak, Chairman................................................... 800 S. Ann St., Baltimore
W. Frank Roberts.........................-Bayard and Hamburg Sts., Baltimore
George F. Obrecht..........- .....................514 Light St., Baltimore
George M. Shriver...............................B. & O. Railroad Co., Baltimore
James Carey Martien........- .........-Baltimore Trust Bldg., Baltimore
Joint Resolution 16.Acts of 1935.
By Joint Resolution, passed at the Legislature, 1935, the Governor
is authorized and empowered to name a Commission of nine, to serve
without compensation, one to represent Employees, one to represent
Self-Insurers, and one member to be chosen from each of the follow-
ing: The State Department of Health, the Johns Hopkins School of
Hygiene and Public Health, the Medical and Chirugical Faculty of
Maryland, the office of the Commissioner of Labor and Statistics and
the State Industrial Accident Commission, and two to be selected
at large, to determine the need of compensation for Occupational Dis-
eases or any such diseases under the Workmen's Compensation Law,
and report the economic feasibility of enacting legislation on these
The Commission is authorized to hear testimony, collect and study
data and determine further what, if any, devices or preventative
measures can or should be used by employers in the prevention of
such diseases, to make its findings and report its communications to
the Governor on or before November 15, 1936.
Employees' Representative:
Joseph P. McCurdy..................101 W. Clements St., Baltimore
Self-Insurers' Representative:
Albert R. Couchman................Baltimore Trust Bldg., Baltimore
State Department of Health:
Dr. Robert H. Riley...............................2411 N. Charles St., Baltimore
Johna Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health:
Dr. Allen W. Freeman.......................3952 Cloverhill Rd.. Baltimore
Medical and Chirugical Faculty of Maryland:
Dr. Page Edmonds..............................12 Eirnwood Rd., Baltimore
Commissioner of Labor and Statistics:
Dr. Charles S. Warner.................................... Forest Hill
State Industrial Accident Commission:
Wm. F. Broening.....................................3600 Fairview Ave., Baltimore
At Large:
Thomas N. Bartlett..........................................809 Northway, Baltimore
At Large:
Theodore C. Waters..................................117 Tunbridge Rd.. Baltimore