§. 2.
Session Fees. |
Every Justice of Peace may for every day they
keep their Sessions
(which by that Statute may be three days) take Four shillings, and their
Clerk Two shillings per diem, of the Fines and Amercements coming
of their Sessions by the Sheriffs hands, but by 14 Rich. 2. 11.
No Duke,
Earl, Baron, or Baronet, (so is the Print in Pulton, but the Original
Banneret) albeit they be assigned Justices, and hold their Sessions with
shall take any wages for their Office. |
Chap. 41.
12 R. 2. 10.
14 R. 2. 11. |
§. 3.
Inrolments. |
Where Inrolments are to be made of Deeds, if
the Lands exceed
not the yearly value of Forty shillings, the Justice and Clerk shall take
Two shillings, viz. One shilling the Justice, and one shilling the
And if it exceed Forty Shillings per annum, then Five shillings,
viz. the
Justices Two shillings six pence, and Clerk Two shillings six pence.
postea Inrolment. |
27 H. 8. 16. |
Fees of Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and Gaolers, about
arrests. See before title
Extortion. |
§. 5.
Alehouse. |
The Party Licensed to keep an Alehouse, shall
pay for the Recognizance
directed by 5 & 6. Ed. 6. c. 25. but Twelve pence. |
5 & 6 E. 4.
25. |
License. |
Every License to be a Badger, Drover, Lader,
Kidder, Carrier, or
Buyer of Corn, &c. shall be made by the Clerk of the Peace only; for
which he shall take Twelve pence and no more/ |
5 Eliz. 12. |
Labourers. |
Justices of Peace, Majors, and Head-Officers,
for every day they fit in
Execution of the Statute of Laborers (not exceeding three days at one time)
shall tale Five shillings per diem, each out of the Fines and Amercements
happening by that Statute. |
5 Eliz. 4. |
Guns. |
The Clerk of the Peace shall take for a License
to shoot in a Gun for
Hawks-meat, Twelve pence and no more. |
1 Jac. 27. |
§. 5.
Wills and
Administration. |
Where the Goods amount not to 100 s. nothing
shall be taken for
the probat of a Testament, saving Six pence to the Scribe for wriing,
and so for an Administration, the Testament being exhibited to
him with Wax; and if the Goods exceed 100 s. and not Forty pounds,
the Party shall pay the Plea but Three shillings six pence, viz.
Two shillings six pence to the Ordinary, &c. and Twelve pence to
the Scribe. And if the Goods exceed Forty pounds, then to pay Five
shillings, whereof Two shillings six pence to the Ordinary, and Two
shillings six pence to the Scribe, or else the Scribe may refuse Two shillings
six pence, and take One penny for every Line containing Ten
inches: And the Party shall pay for Administration where the Goods
exceed 100 s. and not exceeding Forty pounds, Two shillings six
pence, and not above. And if any person require a Copy of the Testament
or Inventory, the Ordinary, &c. shall deliver it, taking only such
Fee as is to be taken for Probat, or else the Scribe may take One penny
for every Line being Ten inches: but as to Seamens Estates and Administration
thereof granted, there are certain Fees appointed by a Statute
made 22 & 23 Car. 2. |
22 H. 8. 5.
22 & 23 Car.
2. |
Testimonial. |
The Parson, Vicar, or Curate of a Parish, shall
take for the making of a
Testimonial of a Servant, &c. but Two pence. |
5 Eliz. 4. |
Citation. |
No Ordinary shall take for the Seal of any Citation
above Three
pence. |
23 H. 8. 9. |
§. 6.
Coroner. |
No Coroner shall take above Thirteen shillings
four pence for his Fee,
upon view of the Body, of the Goods of the Slayer or Murderer of any;
or else of the Amerciaments, upon any Parish for an escape, and nothing
where the person is dead by Misadventure. |
3 H. 7. 1. |
As for the Fees in Sessions, for Traversing,
Trying, or Discharging
Indictments, Discharging Recognizances of the Peace and Good |
1 H. 8. 7. |