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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 334   View pdf image (33K)
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Contingent Appropriations From General Funds.
(Contingent upon the passage of House Bill No. 227 or Senate
Bill No. 182, the following appropriations are hereby made)
Fiscal Year
Item 1936
1. To the State Planning Conmission $3,000.00
2.To the Maryland State Firemen’s Association,
Trustee - 15,231.00
3.For repairs, alterations, improvements and equip
ment to the Executive Mansion, to be spent under
the direction of the Governor, in addition to the
amount shown on page 98 of the printed Bill 35,000.00
4.For the State’s share of construction and mainte
nance of the Annapolis Sewerage Plant and for
storm water drainage - - 5,000.00
5.To the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City for the use
of the Probation Department on account of the
cost of collecting and disbursing alimony under
orders of the Circuit Court and Circuit Court
No. 2 - - - 1,500.00
6.To the Maryland Development Bureau of the Balti
more Association of Commerce for ëontinuation of
survey of the economic resources of the State, and
for promotional activities in connection therewith 5,000.00
7.For damage to oyster beds in Pocomoke Sound,
caused by operations of Federal Government and
contingent upon the dredging of a channel in
Pocomoke Sound by the Federal Government. This
expenditure or so much thereof as may be neces
sary, to be subject to the approval of the Board of
Public Works, not to exceed 12,500.00
8. To Mrs. Edith C. Dubrow, as compensation for the
death of her husband caused by a Baltimore City
police officer 2,500.00
9.To Morgan College Commission, for University
scholarships pending submission of the report of
the Commission in 1937 10,000.00
10.To the Commission to be appointed by the General
Assembly and the Governor, and contingent upon
legislation providing therefor, for the study of the
employment of prisoners and the effect thereon of
the Hawes-Cooper Act, or as much as may be nec
essary, not to exceed - -1,200.00
11.For use in the restoration of salary reductions, omis
sions and reductions in personnel and for mainte
nance and operating expenses, in the Supplemental
Budget, or to be expended for the same purpose by
the Board of Public Works, as the Governor may
direct - 98,599.00

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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 334   View pdf image (33K)
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