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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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Miscellaneous Appropriations.
The following appropriations are made from the Special Funds of
the State:
Fiscal Year
Item 1936
1.To Baltimore City, three-tenths (30 per cent) of the
Receipts of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles
and original 2c gasoline taxes after deducting the
expenses of that department, and of the Traffic
Court, and one-half the cost of maintaining the
Gasoline Tax Department in the State Comp
troller’s Office; the amount hereby named being
an estimate only, and it being the intention that
this appropriation shall be the whole of said bal
ance, whether the same be more or less than this
estimate, and it being further the intention that
should the proceeds of this tax exceed the respec
tive amounts herein set forth, then such excess
shall not revert to the general funds of the State,
but shall be set over to the use of Baltimore City,
to be allocated by subsequent legislative action, in
like manner as the sums hereby requested; to be
used for maintaining all streets, roads and bridges
in Baltimore City . - $1,361,599.81
2.To Baltimore City, 20 per cent of the revenues of the
one-half cent gasoline tax for the elimination of
grade crossings in accordance with the Act of the
Legislature providing therefore; 1/8 of the cost of
maintaining the Gasoline Tax Department in the
State Comptroller’s Office, the amounts named
being an estimate only, it being the intention that
this appropriation shall be 20 per cent of the actual
revenue derived from this tax, less the above de
duction, and it being further the intention that
should the proceeds of this tax exceed the respec
tive amounts herein set forth, then such excess
shall not revert to the general funds of the State
but shall be set over to the use of Baltimore City
to be allocated by subsequent legislative action in
like manner as the sums hereby requested - 159,436.65
3.To Counties and Cities of the State, one-half of the
estimated receipts of the corporation franchise
taxes, it being the intent that one-half of the
actual receipts from franchise taxes on ordinary
business corporations be distributed to Baltimore
City and the Counties and incorporated towns in
accordance with the distribution provided for by
the franchise tax laws, whether the same be more
or less than this estimate ..... 180,000.00
4.To Maryland State College of Agriculture, interest
on investment, it being the intent that the actual
receipts from interest on investments held by the
State for the benefit of the University of Maryland
shall be disburset . . ..................... 4,500.00
5.To State Examining Boards, for expenses in con
ducting examination of applicants . . 30,000.00
6.Tolchester Ferry ................. ........ . 13,687.00

Total Appropriations from Special Funds............ $1,749,223.46

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Maryland Manual, 1935
Volume 152, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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