Charlotte Hall School
Chapter 321 of the Acts of 1898 provides that Charlotte Hall School
shall grant one scholarship of board and tuition to each Legislative
District of the State. The scholarships are awarded by the County
Boards of Education and the Board of School Commissioners of Balti-
more City, the selections being made after competitive examinations
from among the youths who reside in the Legislative Districts for
which they are respectively chosen and who are or have been students
in the public schools of such districts.
Lt. Col. B. F. Crowson, B.S., M.A. (Virginia Military Institute,
University of Pennsylvania Summer School, University of Vir-
ginia Summer School), English .and Ethics.
Professor J. F, Coad, M.A. (Loyola, College, University of Virginia
Summer School ), Latin, History and Elocution.
Major Miel D. Burgee, B.S. (University of Maryland) Graduate
Student in Education), Mathematics and Science.
Major W. A. Stephens, A.B. (Clemson College, Graduate Student in
Education), English and History.
Captain L. C. Williams, A.B. (Washington College, Columbia Uni-
versity), French and English.
Captain O. P. Sadler, B.S. (University of Richmond, University of
Virginia, Graduate Student in Science ), Science and Mathe-
Captain R. H. Abbas, A.B... M.A. (University of Wisconsin, Uni-
versity of Illinois), Spanish and History.
Captain L. E. Badenhoop, B.S. (Kansas Wesleyan University, Uni-
versity of Minnesota), Commercial Subjects.
Doctor L. J. Sothorn (Georgetown University), Lecturer in
The Johns Hopkins University
Chapter 90 of the Acts of 1912 provides that the Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity shall grant a total of 129 scholarships in consideration of the
appropriation made by the State. At the time of the passage of the
Act in 1912, this provided one scholarship for each member of the House
of Delegates, six scholarships from the State at large without, reference
to county or legislative district, and three scholarships from each of the
following institutions:
Loyola College,
Maryland Agricultural College (Univ. of Md.)
Mt. St. Mary's College,
Rock Hill College,
St. John's College,
Washington College,
Western Maryland College.
Members of Faculty of the Johns Hopkins University.
Dr. Joseph S. Ames, President.
Mr. Donald Hammond, Assistant to the President.
Mr. S. Page Nelson, Treasurer.
Mr. R. N. Dempster, Registrar.
Dr. J. C. French, Librarian.
Dr. E. W. Berry, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. J. B. Whitehead, Dean of the School of Engineering.