Commissioner of Mental Hygiene'
Dr. George H. Preston, 330 N. Charles St., Baltimore.
Members of the Board.
Name Address. Term Expire.
Dr. G. Lane Taneyhill . . Baltimore City . . . 1935
Dr. George H. Hocking . Baltimore County -...... 1935
Dr. J. Albert Chatard . . Baltimore City . 1936
Dr. Henry M Thomas, Jr Baltimore City . . 1936
Dr. Hugh H Young Baltimore City............................. 1934
Mrs. Allan L Carter ......... .. .Baltimore City ................ . 1934
The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints a Commis-
sioner of Mental Hygiene and six associate members of the Board. The
Commissioner is appointed upon the recommendation of the Associate
Members and for no specified term of office.
801 Union Trust Building, Baltimore.
Director of Charities and Chairman, Samuel E. Shannahan.
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires
Governor Albert C. Ritchie ........ Annapolis .. . .. 1935
Frank A Furst ............ Baltimore . 1935
Richard F. Cleveland .. . . .Baltimore . .. 1935
James H. Gambrill, Jr.......... Frederick . . 1935
Sidney Hollander ............Baltimore . .. . 1933
Robert Biggs . ........ Baltimore . . 1933
Samuel E Shannahan ......... Easton ........... 1933
Secretary, William J Ogden.
Stenographer Secretary, Harriette S. Kearfott
Supervisor of Social Welfare, Anita J. Faatz, Baltimore.
Governor appoints six members of the Board of State Aid and
Charities for terms of four years each. The Governor is a member of
the Board. Two of the Board may be women. (Ch. 705, Acts 1916.)
The duties of this Board are to investigate and consider the whole
system of State aid to public and private institutions. It investigates
all applications of institutions for aid from the State and submits to
each Legislature a report showing the condition that it finds at each
of the institutions 80 applying, together with recommendations con-
cerning them. It is the official representative of the State in regard to
charitable matters and has the administration of the laws regarding the
placement of children in this State by out-of-State agencies, and the
supervision of the law prohibiting the separation of babies from their
mothers during the first six months after birth. (Ch. 42, Acts of 1908,
and 210, Acts of 1916.)
By Chapter 632, Acts of 1927, the Board is empowered to issue
annual licenses to Institutions, Associations, Agencies and Individuals
having the care, custody and control of children with certain excep
tions. It also is empowered to revoke same.
The Secretary is charged with the duty of informing himself fully
as to the conditions of the institutions coming under the supervision
of the Board, and he is, during the session of the Legislature, subject
to the orders of the Finance Committee of the Senate and the Ways and
Means Committee of the House of Delegates.