The University of Maryland is located at College Park, in Prince
George's County, Maryland, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, eight
miles from Washington and thirty-two miles from Baltimore. College
Park is easily accessible from all parts of the State.
The campus fronts on the Baltimore and Washington Boulevard. The
suburban town of Hyattsville is two miles to the south, and Laurel is ten
miles to the north on the same road. Access to these towns and to
Washington may be had by steam and electric railways and busses.
The Professional Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry,
and Law are located in Baltimore in the vicinity of Lombard and
Greene Streets.
The government of the University is vested by law in a Board of
Regents, consisting of nine members appointed by the Governor each for
a term of nine years. The administration of the University is vested in
the President. The University Senate acts in an advisory capacity to
the President.
The University organization comprises the following administrative
College of Agriculture.
Agricultural Experiment Station.
Extension Service.
College of Arts and Sciences.
College of Education.
College of Engineering.
College of Home Economics.
Graduate School.
Summer School.
Department of Military Science and Tactics.
Department of Physical Education and Recreation.
School of Dentistry.
School of Law.
School of Medicine.
School of Nursing.
School of Pharmacy.
The College of Agriculture includes the following departments:
Agricultural Economics; Agronomy (including Crops and Soils); Ani-
mal Husbandry; Bacteriology; Botany, Dairy Husbandry; Entomology
and Bee Culture; Farm Forestry; Farm Management; Farm Mechan-
ics; Genetics and Statistics; Horticulture (including Pomology; Vege-
table Gardening, Landscape Gardening and Floriculture) ; Plant Pathol-
ogy; Plant Physiology and Bio-chemistry; Poultry Husbandry.
The instructional work of the College of Education is conducted by
five functional divisions or departments: History and Principles of
Education; Methods in Academic and Scientific Subjects, Agricultural
Education, Home Economics Education, and Industrial Education.
The College of Engineering includes the Departments of Civil, Elec-
trical, and Mechanical Engineering.
Graduate work is offered, under the supervision of the Dean of the
Graduate School, by competent members of the various faculties of
instruction and research.