District No. 6.
Cecil County ...... ... Paul A. Barrett ... ... . Port Deposit
Kent . ............. ...E. J. Watson . ... Chestertown
Queen Anne's .... .... .... . John W. Perry Centreville
District No. 7.
Caroline County ... Josiah A Beck . . . Denton
Talbot .. . ..... .Walter J. Elliott ... Easton
Dorchester . . ... William T Collins East New Market
District No 8.
Wicomico . ....... .. W. H. Bedsworth, 207 Hazel Ave...
Somerset ... ... ... Raymond M Carey ... Princess Anne
Worcester ...... ... Charles E. Hill . Snow Hill
Game Breeders.
C J McPhail Gwynnbrook
Frederick Hacker . . ... Gwynn brook
Munsey Building, Baltimore, Md.
Harold E. West .. ... ... ....1935 Severna Park
J. Frank Harper -. ... .... 1931. . . . . Centreville
Steuart Purcell ... 1933... ...'.. Baltimore
Frank Harper, Executive Secretary Baltimore
Vacant, Chief Engineer
Wm Cabell Bruce, General Counsel Ruxton
John Henry Lewin, People's Counsel Baltimore
The Public Service Commission of Maryland was created by Chapter
180 of the Acts of 1910, effective April 5, 1910.
The Governor appoints the three members of the Commission, one
of whom he designates as Chairman. The term of office is six years,
and the term of one Commissioner expires every two years.
The Commission has jurisdiction over steam and electric railroads,
street railways, common carriers generally, including all railroad cor-
porations, express companies, sleeping car companies, steamboat, power
boat and ferry companies, toll bridges and also motor vehicles engaged
in the public transportation of passengers and freight. The Commission
also has jurisdiction over gas companies, electric companies, telephone
companies, telegraph companies, water companies and heating and re-
frigerating companies. The jurisdiction of the Commission is limited
to operations within the State of Maryland
The supervision and jurisdiction of the Commission covers the serv-
ice furnished, the rates charged, the capitalization) the issue of stocks,
bonds, and other securities, the right to exercise franchise granted by
the counties and by the cities, the right to fix rates for service and to