The Constitution of 1776 provided, in Article XXVI, that the Sena-
tors and Delegates, on the second Tuesday of November, 1777, and
annually on the second Tuesday of November forever thereafter, elect
by joint ballot (in the same manner as Senators are directed to be)
chosen), five of the most sensible, discreed and experienced men above
twenty-five years of age, residents in the State above three years next
preceding the election, and having therein a freehold of lands and
tenements, above the value of one thousand pounds current money, to be
the Council to the Governor, whose proceedings shall be always entered
on record, to any part whereof any member may enter his dissent; and
their advice, if so required by the Governor, or any member of the
Council, shall be given in writing, and signed by the members giving
the same, respectively; which proceedings of the Council shall be laid
before the Senate, or House of Delegates, when called for by them, or
either of them. The Council may appoint their own clerk, who shall
take oath of support and fidelity to this State as this Convention, or
the Legislature, shall direct; and of secrecy, in such matters as he
shall be directed by the board to keep secret.
Year. Governor's Council Sessions.
1777—Chas. Carroll, Sr., Josiah Polk, Jr, Edward Lloyd,
John Rogers, John Contee Feb.
1778—Edward Lloyd, Thomas Sim, Daniel Carroll, James
Hindman, James Brice .. ..
1770—Edward Lloyd, Thomas Sim, Daniel Carroll, James
Hindman, James Brice . .... -... ... ....... ...
1780-—John H. Stone, Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice,
Daniel Carroll, John Brice Nov
1781—Daniel Carroll, James Brice, Jeremiah T Chase,
Samuel T. Wright, John H. Stone . Oct
1782—John H. Stone, James Brice, Jeremiah T Chase,
Samuel T. Wright, Benj. C. Stoddert . . Nov
1783—Benj C. Stoddert, Gabriel Duval, Jeremiah T. Chase,
James Brice, John T. Stone Nov.
1784—John H. Stone, James Brice, Jeremiah T. Chase,
Gabriel Duval, Benjamin Ogle . Nov.
1785—Charles Wallace, Aquilla Paca, John Davidson, John
H. Stone, Samuel T. Wright Nov.
1786—Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice, Gabriel Duval,
John Kilty, Samuel T. Wright Nov.
1787—Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice, John Kilty, John
Davidson, Benj. Harrison Nov.
1788—Jeremiah T Chase, James Brice, John Kilty, John
Davidson, Benj. Harrison . Nov.
1789—James Brice, John Davidson, William Hindman,
Josias C. Hall, John Kilty . ... . Nov.
1790—John Kilty, James Brice, John Davidson, William
Hindman, Rand. B. Latimer ... Nov
1791—Henry Ridgely, Rand. B. Latimer, John Davidson
John Kilty, James Brice .. ... .... Nov.