590 SCHOOLS. [ART. 84.
to do, fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of the second
section of this article, shall forfeit the donation granted to such
school, academy or college.
5. The Comptroller shall transmit all reports received from
such schools, academies and colleges to the General Assembly
during the month of January at each regular session thereof.
6. The Treasurer shall pay as heretofore to each of the coun-
ties and the city of Baltimore the proportion of the free school
fund to which such county or city is entitled under the provisions
of the laws and resolutions existing at the time this code is
adopted, and he shall pay the same to such persons as may be
authorized to receive the same by the local laws of the several
counties and the city of Baltimore.
7*. The Treasurer, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, is
hereby directed to pay to the school or county commissioners of
each of the following named counties the sum of four hundred
dollars, to be applied by said commissioners to the public school
fund of the respective counties, the same being in addition to the
sums now received by said counties for school purposes, to wit:
Allegany county, Baltimore county, Carrol county, Calvert
county, Cecil county, Caroline county, Charles county, St. Mary's
county, Harford county, Howard county, Prince George's county,
Queen Anne's county, Somerset county, Talbot county, Worcester
county and Washington county.
8. Whenever lands may be required for the site of a school
house, and the trustees of the school district shall from any
cause be unable to contract with the owner thereof, the trustees
may apply for a writ of ad quod damnum to the clerk of the
Circuit Court for the county or the Superior Court of Baltimore
city, as the case may be, who shall forthwith issue the same, and
the sheriff shall execute the said writ and return an inquisition
describing the land and stating the amount of damages to he
paid to the owner, and the judge of the Circuit Court for the
county, or of the Superior Court of Baltimore city, may, at any
time after the return of the inquisition, in term or during the
recess, hear a motion to confirm such inquisition, on such notice
to the parties as he may direct, and confirm or quash the same,
and if he quashes the inquisition he shall order a new one forth-
with to be taken.