(Appointed by Governor. No legislative authority.)
To consider and recommend plans for the appropriate celebration of
the 300th Anniversary of the founding of the Province of Maryland.
Dr. Joseph S. Ames, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
Matthew Page Andrews, 849 Park Avenue, Baltimore.
Van Lear Black, Fidelity Building, Baltimore.
Mrs. W. Cabell Bruce, Ruxton.
Edward S. Delaplaine, Frederick.
Mrs. Hester Dorsey Richardson, 2127 N. Charles Street, Baltimore.
Richard M. Duvall, 16 E. .Lexington Street, Baltimore.
Jacob Epstein, American Wholesale Corporation, Baltimore.
Dr. Henry M. Fitzhugh, Westminster.
Hon. Eli Frank, Court House, Baltimore.
Hon. John W. Garrett, South and Redwood Streets, Baltimore.
Hon. Phillips Lee Goldsborough, National Union Bank, Baltimore.
Dr. Henry Barton Jacobs, 11 W. Mt. Vernon Place, Baltimore.
Dr. John H. Latane, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
Rev. James M. Magruder Annapolis.
William L. Marbury, Maryland Trust Building, Baltimore.
Sidney L. Nyburg, Citizens National Bank Building, Baltimore.
Hon. T. Scott Offutt, Towson.
Dr. Charles O'Donovan, 5 E. Read Street, Baltimore.
Dr. J. Hall Pleasants, 201 Longwood Road, Roland Park, Baltimore.
George L. Radcliffe, Fidelity & Deposit Company, Baltimore.
Miss Mary E. W. Risteau, Sharon.
Mrs. Frank B. Scrivener, 105 E. Lafayette Avenue, Baltimore.
Mrs. Edward Shoemaker, 1031 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore,
Robert S. Shriver, Citizens National Bank Building, Baltimore.
George R. Callia, Jr., Hearst Tower Building, Baltimore.
Waldo Newcomer, Baltimore St. and Hopkins Place, Baltimore.
John J. Nelligan, 9 South Street, Baltimore.
DeCourcy W. Thorn, Maryland Trust Building, Baltimore.
Daniel R, Randall, Keyser Building, Baltimore.
Henry W. Catlin, 5 Gramercy Park, New York.
Rev. Joseph J. Ayd, S. JLoyola College.
Robert F. Skutch, 419 N. Charles St., Baltimore.
Mrs. Frances H. Markell. Frederick.
Legislative Commissions appointed to represent the Senate (Senate
Journal, 1927, page 795) : Senator S. Scott Beck, Kent County; Senator
J. Allan Coad, St. Mary's County, and Senator Edward J. Colgan, Third
Legislative District, Baltimore City. Appointed to represent the House
(House Journal, 1927, page 1409). Speaker E. Brooke Lee, Montgomery
County; Daniel C. Joseph, Baltimore City; Francis A. Michel, Balti-
more City; Fendall Marbury, Baltimore City, and Lawrence P. Williams,
St. Mary's County.
(Joint Resolution No. 32 of 1927.)
To investigate and study the general problem of motor accidents and
losses, including the special problem of the so-called "hit and run"
driver, and report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and
General Assembly of 1929.
Louis A. Schillinger, Chairman, North and Harford Avenues, Balti-
more, Md.