(Electrical Commission.)
22 Light Street.
Name. Postoffice.
Joseph A. Becker, for Electrical Contractors' Association Baltimore
Treasurer George W. Wilkinson, for Electrical Contractors'
Association . .. . Baltimore
Secretary Joseph A. O'Brien, for Association of Fire
Underwriters . . . Baltimore
President John S. Dobler, for City Electrical Department - Baltimore
J Roland Stolzenbach, Journeyman Electrician . Baltimore
The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor for
a term of three years, as follows Two from nominations made by the
Electrical Contractors' Association; one from nominations made by
the Chief of the Municipal Electrical inspectors of Baltimore; one
from nominations made by the Association of Fire Underwriters of
Baltimore City, and one a Journeyman electrician. (Ch. 244, 1906 )
The duty of this Board is to examine all applicants for license as
"Master Electrician." No person, firm or corporation, is permitted
by law to install, erect or repair electrical wiring, or conductors used
for electric light, heat, or power until a license has been issued to them
as a Master Electrician by the Board of Examiners after an examina-
tion according to the rules and regulations adopted by said Board
Also, the Board has the right to adopt rules and regulations for the
placing, installing and operating electrical wires, appliances, apparatus
or construction in, upon or about buildings in the City of Baltimore.
(See Sec 4 of the Act.)
Address Dr. Daniel R. Hoffman, Veterinary, 1826 W Baltimore St.,
Name Term Expires.
Dr. L. Hickman ... . Veterinarian . . 1929
Conrad Einschutz Master . . . 1932
John T. Keefer . . ... . ...Journeyman . . . 1932
Vacancy . Journeyman
George E Jacob Master 1029
The Governor appoints five members of this Board for four years
from the date of their appointment One shall be a Veterinarian, two
shall be Master Horseshoers and two shall be Journeyman Horseshoers.
(Ch. 491,1898.)
It is the duty of this Board to hold regular meetings in the months
of May and November in each year, tor the examination of persons
desiring to practice horseshoeing, as Journeymen or Master Horseshoers.
The requirements of said examiners shall be furnished to all
persons desiring to be examined for such certificates, and the appli-
cant, if on examination shall be found to possess the said require-
ments, he shall be granted a certificate by this Board upon the pay-
ment of a fee of two dollars.