An Act to cause to be transcribed a certain record book of
wills, to provide for making a general index to wills, and for
binding the record hooks in the office of Register of Wills for
Kent county.
An Act appointing a committee with authority to purchase
a lot or lots of ground in the city of AnnapOlis, and causing
to be erected thereon a mansion for the Governor of this State,
and making an appropriation therefor.
An Act to add an additional section to Article 19 of the
Code of Public Local Laws entitled Somerset County, so as to
provide the manner and time for the appointment and the
terms of office of the Supervisors of Roads in said county.
An Act to repeal the charter or Act of incorporation of the
Locust Point Steam Ferry Company of Maryland.
An Act to continue in force chapter 118 of the Laws of Mary-
land, passed at the January session, 1865, entitled an Act to
repeal section 146 of the 3d Article of the Code of Public
Local Laws relating to the office of Register of Wills for Bal-
timore county, and to re-enact the same with amendments.
An Act for the relief of the Faculty of Physic of the Uni-
versity of Maryland.
An Act granting the assent of the Legislature to a bequest
made in the last will and testament of Margaret Dods, late
of Carroll county, deceased, to the pastor of the Presbyterian
Church, in New Windsor, Carroll county, Maryland.
An Act to repeal section 50, Article 5, of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws title Appeals, sub-title Appeals from Jus-
tices of the Peace, and to re-enact the same with amendments.
An Act to repeal section 8 of Article 13 of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws entitled Howard county, sub-title County
Commissioners, and to re-enact the same with amendments.
An Act to authorize and require the County Commissioners
of Baltimore county to convey a lot of ground to the Board of
School Commissioners of Baltimore county, to be used for a
public school house site.
An Act to appropriate a sum of money to the Baltimore
County Manual Labor School.
An Act to authorize the Mayor and City Council to issue
the bonds of said city for the purpose of building a city hall.
An Act to repeal section 623 of Article 4 of Public Local
Laws, entitled City of Baltimore, sub-title Justices of the
Peace and Constables, and to re-enact the same and substi-
tute the following in lieu thereof.
An Act to declare the sanction of the General Assembly of
Maryland to the purchase, by St. Paul's Parish, in Prince