may, after, the first day of May next institute of bring any suit
or action at law in any county court of this state, or other court
having the jurisdiction of a county court, the sum of fifty cents,
to be paid to the clerk of the court in which such suit or action
may be instituted or brought, at the time of instituting or
bringing the same, and shall be taxed and allowed in the costs
of such suit or action ; and the bond of such clerk shall be
answerable therefor, and he shall on or before the first day of
November in each and every year, settle his account for all
money by him so received, on oath or affirmation, with the
treasurer of his shore, and shall pay the sum adjusted to the
said treasurer within thirty days after such settlement under
the penalty of paying twenty per cent, on the money in his
hands ; and every such clerk may retain at the rate of six per
cent, for his trouble in receiving and paying the said tax
according to this act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all and every act or acts of
assembly regulating amerciaments and directing the manner of
their collection and application, that is to say, the eleventh and
twelfth sections of the act of seventeen hundred and fifteen,
chapter forty-one, the first and second sections of the act of
seventeen hundred and twenty-two, chapter twelve, and the
second section of the act of February session, seventeen hun-
dred and seventy -seven, chapter six, shall be and they hereby
are repealed.
AN Act to Authorize warranting on Constables' Bonds.
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, in all cases wherof
any constable is defaulted for any sum or sums of money, or
has collected any sum or sums of money, and refuses or neglects
to pay over the same to the person or persons entitled thereof
where the sum or sums does not exceed fifty dollars, it shall fee
lawful for the person or persons to whom the money is due, or
their agent or attorney, to apply to any justice of the peace of
the county, who shall issue his warrant against the constable
and his securities in the usual form, and upon trial may give
judgment for the amount due, and costs, against the constable
and his securities, in the same manner as if the securities wefe
bound in a joint and several note with the constable, which
judgment or judgments shall be in all respects upon the same
footing with other judgments of similar amount, with respect to
the right of supersedes, appeal, and the manner of enforcing
the collection thereof.