AN ACT to provide for old and infirm Negro Slaves belonging to deceased
persons estates.
WHEREAS, it appears to this general assembly, that old or
infirm negro slaves belonging to deceased persons estates which
on settlement, prove to be insolvent, are frequently subjected to
great suffering and want ; Therefore,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the levy coiirts in the
several counties of this state, be, and they are hereby authorised
and required to make such suitable provision for all old and
infirm negro slaves belonging to insolvent estates of deceased
persons as in their judgment may be necessary for their support
and maintenance.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT,* entitled, an Act to regulate Lotteries,
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
so much of the act entitled, an act to regulate lotteries, as
authorizes the governor and council, to appoint two additional
commissioners of lotteries, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
AN ACT giving compulsory process after summons to procure the atten-
dance of Witnesses in causes and other proceedings in the High Court
of Chancery, or in the County Courts as Courts of Equity.
*1817, ch.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in all cases hereafter, when any witness shall have been
summoned by a commissioner or auditor appointed by chancery
or any of the county courts as courts of equity, to take evidence
in any cause or proceeding in said courts, to appear before such
commissioner or auditor to give testimony in such cause or pro-
ceeding, and shall refuse or neglect to obey such summons, or
attending, shall refuse to answer such interrogatories, as are
propounded to him before such commissioner or auditor, in all
and each of such cases, it shall be the duty of the said commis-
sioner or auditor at the request of either party to such suit or
proceeding, immediately to certify such default of neglect tinder
his hand as such commissioner or auditor to the register or clerk
of such court, whose duty it shall be upon receipt of such certi-
ficate forthwith td issue process of attachment against the
person mentioned in such certificate, and the said court is
hereby authorized and empowered to allow such process to
compel his or her attendance to give evidence in such cause
before the chancellor or county court as a court of equity in