Sheriff to
daily whole-
some provi-
sions, &c.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
sheriff, out of the money so paid to him as aforesaid, to furnish
daily to the debtor for whose support and maintenance the same
shall be paid, wholesome provisions of the full value of twelve
and a half cents, and if any sheriff shall neglect or refuse so to
do, he shall, on indictment and conviction thereof in the county
court of the county where the offence shall be committed, or in
the city court of Baltimore, if the offense shall be committed by
the sheriff of Baltimore county, forfeit and pay to the state the
sum of ten dollars for every such offence.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the first section of the act
of assembly, entitled, an act relating to the sheriff of Baltimore
county, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
eighteen, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Not to
extend to
any person
for offence
against the
laws of the
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That nothing in this law contained
shall be construed to extend to any person committed for any
offence against the laws of this state, or for any fine imposed by
any court or magistrate, for any offence against the laws of this
state, or for the breach of any ordinance or by-law of any char-
tered town or city.
See 1822, eh. 221, as to their compensation for keeping prisoners com-
mitted under the authority of the United States.
AN additional SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to regulate the
Inspection of Tobacco.
See notes to 1801, ch. 63, ante page 437.
WHEREAS the seed of a kind of tobacco, called Varinas To-
bacco, has been imported with considerable difficulty from
South America, which it is desirable to introduce into cultiva-
tion in this state; and it is represented, that to give it a fair
chance of competition in a foreign market with tobacco of the
same kind exported from South America, it will be necessary,
instead of packing it in the usual way, to make it up into rolls
and petaccas, which cannot be inspected in the manner pre-
scribed by the present inspection laws ; and sufficient informa-
tion respecting the nature of said tobacco is not possessed to
ascertain and determine what sort of inspection it would be sus-
ceptible of and require, which information can only be obtained
by experience : And whereas this general assembly is .at all
all times desirous of fostering and promoting the interests of
agriculture, and for that purpose of encouraging the introduc-
tion of new and valuable varieties of oqe of our great staples ;
of former
act not to
SEC. I. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That after the passage of this act the provisions of the act to