only to
banks in
strued to extend to any bank or banks in this state, not situate
in the city of Baltimore.
SEO, 2, 3. Relate wholly to the City of Baltimore.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT, entitled, an Act to repeal all such parts of the
Laws of this State as authorize the Courts of Law to sentence Negro or
Mulatto Slaves or Free Negroes or Mulattoes, to undergo a confinement
in the Penitentiary.
See notes to 1809, ch. 138, ante page 572; 1818, ch. 197, ante page 702.
WHEREAS doubts have arisen on the true construction of the
act, entitled, an act to repeal all such parts of the laws of this
state as authorize the courts of law to sentence negro or mulatto
slaves to undergo a confinement in the penitentiary ; therefore,
to be hung
or banished
the state.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in all cases where the several courts of law in this state,
before the passage of the act to which this is a supplement,
were authorized and empowered to sentence a negro or mulatto
slave to be hung by the neck, or undergo a confinement in the
penitentiary, the court shall have power and authority, in their
discretion, to sentence such negro or mulatto slave to be hung
by the neck, or to be transported to some foreign country, or to
some one of the United States, or territory thereof, other than
the district of Columbia, to be sold for the use and benefit of
the said county where such conviction shall be had, or if con-
victed in the city court of Baltimore, for the use and benefit of
the city and county of Baltimore.
AN ACT to repeal so much of the Act to regulate Lotteries as provides for
the appointment of Lottery Commissioners and their Clerks.
See 1821, ch. 191; 1824, ch. 131.
Salaries of
sioners and
clerk, how
to be paid.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the salaries of the commissioners of lotteries, and their clerk,
shall be paid by the treasurer of the western shore out of the
per centum deduction which goes to the state from prizes in
the lotteries directed by law to be drawn under their care, and
which shall have been actually so drawn, and out of no other
funds ; and in case the funds arising from the lotteries afore-
said, paid into the treasury in any year, shall be insufficient for
the purpose above mentioned, then the said commissioners and
clerk shall be entitled to such salaries only, and no more, for
such year, as the funds aforesaid shall be sufficient to pay, and
to be equally apportioned among them ; and in case no fund
shall be paid into the treasury in any one year from the lotte-
ries aforesaid, then the said commissioners and clerk shall be
entitled to no salaries or compensation whatever for such year.