the supplement thereto : and whereas doubts have arisen as to
the construction of the said special acts, therefore,
Judges au-
thorized to
benefit of
laws to
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That any one or more of the judges of the respective county
courts where the said petitioners respectively reside, in court
sitting, or any one judge in the recess of the said court, be, and
are hereby authorized and directed, to extend to the said peti-
tioners the benefit of the said laws.
*1796, ch.
A SUPPLEMENT to an ACT,* entitled, an act to ascertain the allowance of
members of the General Assembly, Electors of Senate, and Electors of
President and Vice-President of the United States.
of the legis-
lature &c.
to receive
an addi-
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
each member of the general assembly, electors of senate, and
electors of president and vice-president of die United States,
shall receive in addition to the present allowance, the sum of
fifty cents.
AN ACT for the amendment of the Law.
See 1809, ch. 153 ; 1829, eh. 166.
Two or
more per-
sons being
bound for
payment of
debt, &c.
and one die
his repre-
may be
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That if two or more persons are jointly bound for the payment
of a debt, or for the performance or forbearance of any act, or
for any other thing, and one or more of said obligors die, his or
their representatives may be charged by virtue of such obliga-
tion, in the same manner as such representatives might have
been charged if said obligors had been bound severally as well
as jointly.
See 1829, ch. 166.
Arrests by
or capias.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for any sheriff or other officer who shall have lawfully arrested
any person in virtue of any attachment or capias, and permitted
such person to go at large after such arrest, at any time before
or oii the return day of such attachment or capias, or during the
term of the court to which the same is or shall be returnable,
again to arrest such person in virtue of the same attachment or
capias, for the purpose of producing such person before the
'Court, judge or justice before whom such capias or attachment
shall be returnable ; and such second arrest shall be as avail-
able and justifiable in law as the original or first arrest, and the
officer making such second arrest, shall have the same power
and right to detain or hold to bail the person so arrested, as he
tiadf or could have had in virtue of the first service of such
capias or attachment, any thing in any law, usage or custom, to
the contrary uotwkhstanding.