may in all cases allege, before said magistrate, such excuse or
excuses, as he may think sufficient to relieve him from the
payment of the fine as aforesaid.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted, That whenever special meetings
of the vestry shall be necessary, the rector shall call them, but
if there be no rector, of if he shall be absent, or refuse or
neglect to call a meeting, then any two of the vestry, agreeing
so to do, may summon a special vestry.
Rector to
call special
SEC. 25. And, the better to secure the attendance of members
of the vestry, Be it enacted, That no vestryman shall absent
himself from any stated meeting, or from special or adjourned
meeting, of which he was duly notified, without such excuse
as the rest of the vestry will allow, under a penalty not less
than two, or exceeding eight dollars.
Penalty for
not attend-
ing, &c.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That if any person elected a
vestryman, agreeably to this act, shall, after convenient notice
given him by the register of the parish, who is hereby required
to give him such notice under the penalty of twenty dollars,
refuse to serve as a vestryman, according to the provisions
herein made, without alleging such an excuse as the residue of
the vestry will allow, unless he shall have heretofore served two
years, or been voted out at a former vestry election, or if any
person elected a churchwarden, who has not before served in
that office within the last three years, shall, after the same
notice, refuse to serve as such, or having been qualified, shall
retire from his office without the consent of the vestry, before
the time for which he was elected shall have expired, unless he
shall have been disqualified for remaining a churchwarden, the
former shall forfeit twenty dollars, and the latter ten dollars.
And for
refusing to
serve, &c.
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That all fines and penalties by
this act imposed shall be recoverable before any justice of the
peace, and applied to the use of the parish in such manner as
the vestry may direct.
How fines
are to be
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That the vestrymen of every
parish in this state for the time being, shall be, and they are
hereby declared to be, one community, corporation and body
politic, for ever, by the name of The Vestry of the parish to
which they severally belong, and by the same name they, and
their successors, shall and may have perpetual succession, and
shall and may, at all times hereafter, be persons able and capa-
ble in law to purchase, take and hold, to them and their succes-
sors, in fee, or for any less estate or estates, any lands, tene-
ments, hereditaments, rents or annuities, within this state, by
the gift, bargain, sale or devise, of any person or persons, bodies
politic and corporate, capable of making the same, and such
lands, tenements or hereditaments, to rent or lease, in such a
ted, &c.