No original
to be re-
ceived, &c.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That hereafter no original certifi-
cate of survey or resurvey under a warrant shall be received in
the land office, unless the same be passed by the examiner-
general, and returned to the said office before the first day of
July next, or within eighteen months from the date of the war-
rant; and in case any order hath been made for the correction
of any certificate of survey or resurvey under a warrant, the
corrected certificate shall not be received into the land office,
unless passed by the examiner, (if necessary,) and returned
before the first day of January, seventeen hundred and ninety-
seven ; and in case any order shall hereafter be made for the
correction of any certificate as aforesaid, the corrected certificate
shall not be received, unless passed by the examiner, (if neces-
sary,) and returned within nine months from the date of the
order, but nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as
to extend the time within which a survey or resurvey under a
warrant may be made.
By 1796, ch, 6, persons having surveys made on the eastern shore before
July 1st, 1796, or made since by virtue of warrants granted before that time,
returnable by law to the land office on the western shore, were allowed lime
fill the 1st of July, 1797; but not to affect rights then acquired by proela-
tion, &c. Certificates in such cases to be returned on or before that time,
and recorded in the land office of the western shore, and to be good and
effectual, as if returned in time.
A tender
may be
made, &c.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That where any certificate of
survey or resurvey shall, by the examiner-general be found
erroneous, or where, on application of the party, the chancellor
or judge of the land office on the eastern shore may think proper
to direct the correction of any certificate, and there is not suffi-
cient time for such correction to enable the party to pay the
money within the time required by law, on a tender being made
of the money due to the treasurer, three months shall be allow-
ed for the correction of such certificate, and being passed by
the examiner-general, and payment made within the said three
months, the same shall be valid.
No certifi-
cate liable,
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That no certificate of survey or
resurvey shall be liable to a warrant of proclamation before the
first day of June next.
liable to
tion, &c.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That in case any certificate of
survey or resurvey already made, or hereafter to be made, hath
been or may be returned, by which vacant land may be includ-
ed, and not compounded for agreeably to law, such survey or
resurvey shall be liable to be affected by a proclamation warrant,
by any person who shall apply for the same, but no proclama-
tion warrant shall thereafter issue on any survey made or here-
after to be made in this state, unless one-tenth part of the land
contained in the said survey or resurvey is compounded upon