several sheriffs in this state to receive, and safe keep in their
respective jails, all such prisoners as may be committed under
the authority of the United States, until they shall be dis-
charged by the due course of the laws thereof, tinder the like
penalties as in the case of prisoners committed under the
authority of this state ; provided nevertheless, that the United
States are to pay for the use and keeping of such of the jails of
this state at the rate of fifty cents per month for each prisoner
that shall, under their authority, be committed thereto, during
the time such prisoners shall be therein confined, which sum
shall be paid to the sheriff for the use of the county at the time
of the discharge of any such prisoner ; and provided also, that
they are to support such of said prisoners as shall be committed
under their authority to any of the jails of this state for offences
against the constitution or the laws of the United States.
See 1822, ch. 221, by which compensation to the sheriff is fixed at thirty
cents per day.
An ACT to restrain Surveyors, to regulate certain proceedings in the
land office, and to compel the attendance of witnesses on surveys
under the authority of the chancery, general and county courts.
A Supplement, November, 1792, ch. 15. Other laws are 1800, ch. 70;
1827, ch. 44.
Sheriffs to
WHEREAS many frauds and abuses may be practised by sur-
veyors, or their deputies, if they be not by law prevented from
taking up vacant land in their respective counties ;
SEC. 2. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the end of the present session no county
surveyor, or deputy to a county surveyor, while he acts as
such, shall take up, either in his own name or in the name of
any other person for his use, or in secret trust for him, any land
lying in the county of which he is surveyor or deputy as afore-
said, unless by virtue of a warrant of resurvey on lands by him
obtained and held before his appointment to the office of sur-
veyor or deputy, or by virtue of an especial or an escheat war-
rant procured by him before such appointment ; and no grant
shall issue to any such surveyor or deputy, or to his assign, or
to any person for his use, or to any person who shall be known
to act for him in secret trust, for any land taken up after the
end of the present session contrary to the tenor of this provi-
sion ; and if any patent shall issue to any person acting under
a secret trust for any surveyor or deputy as aforesaid, it shall
be liable to be vacated upon a petition made, within two years
from the date of such patent, to the chancellor as judge of the
land office, and there shall be the same proceedings on such
petition as upon caveats to certificates.
not to take
up land,