AN additional SUPPLEMENT to the act* to regulate Public Ferries.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the first day of February next, every person to
whom a license has been or shall be granted to keep a public
ferry across Chesapeake bay, shall be obliged to carry on board
each public ferry-boat a good and sufficient anchor and cable, a
small yawl with a good pair of oars, and also hatches and a sub-
stantial pair of oars and setting poles for the aforesaid ferry-boat,
under the penalty of ten pounds current money for every such
neglect to be recovered before a single magistrate, either on the
eastern or western shore, at the election of the prosecutor, and
to be applied as other fines not particularly appropriated.
A SUPPLEMENT to the act, entitled, An act to vest certain powers in the
Governor and Council.
As to an arsenal at Frederick.
AN ACT for the relief of certain purchasers of confiscated property.
Relates entirely to the Nottingham lands in Cecil county.
AN ACT to dispose of the reserved lands westward of Fort Cumberland, in
Washington county, and to fulfil the engagements made by this state
to the officers and soldiers of the Maryland line ia the service of the
United States.
AH of the provisions of this act are restricted to a particular class of
claimants on the public domain, except the 13th and 14th sections, which
contain general provisions applicable to the land office, and the rights of the
public, which are therefore reprinted.
*Not, 1781,
ch. 22.
licensed, to
keep good
SEC. 13. And be it enacted. That any of the said lands, not
herein before appropriated, and any other lands in this state now
vacant, and to affect which no warrant hath issued, be liable to
be taken up in the usual manner by warrant, at the rate of three
shillings and nine-pence current money per acre,* to be paid to
the treasurer of the western shore in the proportions and within
Lands may
be taken up,
the limes required by the act t to appropriate certain lands to the
use of the officers and soldiers of this state, and for the sale of
vacant lands.
* See note, ante page, 170.
t Nov. 1791,
ch. 20.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the privilege of roads and
waters through all said lands be reserved to the public,
AN ACT to cede to Congress a district of ten miles square in this state for
the seat of the government of the United States.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the representatives of this state in the house of representatives of